Monday, February 20, 2017

Why you lose motivation and what you can do about it.

Hey guys!

How are you doing? No, really. Honestly.

Are you still staying on track and being consistent with the goals you made for the new year? The truth is, we are most motivated at the start of the year and then that motivation begins to slow down. But why? What happens to that fire and drive? Why does it diminish? Where does it go!!???

Well, today, we’re gonna talk about all that!

Here are some of the main reasons you tend to lose motivation:

#1. You get bored!

Qhen you’re working towards something, which usually takes a lot of determination, time and patience, it may seem like it’s never ending. Day after day, it feels like you’re not even accomplishing anything, even though you’re working SO HARD. And sometimes the tasks may seem mundane and boring. So of COURSE you’re going to lose motivation if you’re bored doing something day in and day out.

What to do about it?

Get creative – have fun! Okay so maybe eating healthy and meal prepping is the most boring task and you dread it every week. So, turn it into something fun! Invite friends over to have a big cook fest! Meal prep with friends and fam, and put on some good music! It’s like social hour while you’re getting your healthy meals prepped for the week. Trust me, it’s a lot more fun when you’re doing it with people you love, rather than alone. Plus, you may even motivate them to eat healthier!

Now, if your workouts seem boring, then maybe it’s time to switch it up. Your workouts SHOULD NOT be boring – they should be fun and you should look forward to them. So, try something new. Try a new fitness class. Workout with a buddy. Or alternate different styles of workouts throughout the week. For example, do Pilates one day, yoga another and weight lifting on other days. Mix things up! It’s all about variety (and that’s also how you get great results!).

#2. Results aren’t happening fast enough!

Okay so maybe you want to lose 5 lbs, or be able to do 30 burpees in a minute (ugh can you imagine!!!) or do 3 unassisted pull ups – all awesome goals! But you didn’t reach your goal in a few days, a week, or even a month. You get upset and you lose motivation. It’s natural to get frustrated and just throw the towel in.

What to do about it?

Know your goal and accept that it’s going to take a long time to reach it. Think about it this way – if it wasn’t tough and grueling, would the end result be worth it? Probably not. When you FINALLY reach your goal, you’ll be even more proud of yourself because you know how much work it took. Set realistic goals and be okay with the fact that it might take a while. Results take time.

#3. You’re not being honest with yourself!

Are you sticking with your plan? Are you staying true to one YOLO meal a week? Or are you sneaking in more YOLOs than you wanted? Are you committed to your workouts?  Or are you slacking on a regular basis? A lot of the time, we aren’t seeing results, and therefore lose motivation because we aren’t truly being honest with ourselves and our actions.

What to do about it?

  • Ensure you get the job done by:
    • Writing down your to-do list
    • Journaling your food intake
    • Make your workouts fun
    • Being proud of yourself and rewarding yourself for accomplishing your tasks. Maybe even reward yourself by relaxing and watching your fave TV show after your workout. Or having the most rejuvenating bubble bath at the end of the day. Stay true to your goals and your plan. That’s the ONLY way you will see results.

#4. You’re procrastinating!

Oh this is a big one! We are all guilty of it. We want to do something. The drive and desire is there, buttttttt let’s just put it off for a few hours. What if you intended to do your workout at 9am, but decided to meet a friend for breakfast instead. But then after your meal you decide to go shopping, then one thing leads to the next and your workout is missed that day! Okay, one day isn’t the end of the world, but if these habits keep happening, you’ll never reach your goal, right?

What to do about it?

Stay committed. Write down what tasks you need to do that day and make SURE you finish them. Make them a priority. Your friends will understand if you’d rather have lunch than breakfast so you can get your workout in, or if you need to reschedule your shopping date until later. Once you get into the habit of procrastination, it BECOMES a habit! And that’s one you don’t want. Say no to procrastination when the thought creeps up. You’ll be much happier with yourself when you get the job done!

With all that being said, motivation is a mindset. Motivation comes and goes. People rely on motivation and they think they should be motivated all the time and that’s how they will get the job done. But that’s not true. If you only worked out and ate healthy when you were motivated, would you get where you want to be? Probably not. Trust me. Even I have days when I’m not motivated, but I don’t let that stop me. I push myself to get into the office and work because I KNOW that I won’t regret it. And you know what? It’s usually on those unmotivated days when you have the best workout, or do your best work.

Be honest, how are your goals going so far? Let me know in the comments below. Let’s keep each other accountable!

from Blogilates

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