Friday, June 30, 2017

How to get yourself to work out in the morning!


Big thanks to The Quaker Oats Company for partnering with me on this blog post!

Hey guys!

Working out in the morning is something that I could not get myself to do for YEARS. It was one of those “impossible” challenges that I honestly did not know how to conquer! I mean, I was going to bed at 2 or 3 am everyday, so it was probably better that I DIDN’T work out in the morning.

Well, within the past year, the impossible became the possible thanks to simple habit makeovers which allowed me to wake up earlier. Let me tell you – getting in your work out first thing in the morning is a GAME CHANGER. I end up feeling driven and motivated for work or school, my energy levels are through the roof, and I get the best sleep of my life later that night.

I want you to experience the magic of waking up early…so here are 6 tips that can make morning workouts a reality for you! FOR REAL!

#1. Go to bed early and at the same time every night.

I think the hardest thing about waking up in the morning is getting yourself to go to bed early. If you’re a night owl, like I used to be, it’s difficult to break that habit. But, it can be done if you want it to be done.

My trick is to make myself sleepy around 10:30pm. I’ll stretch 30 min to an hour before bed, which helps prepare my body for relaxation. If that doesn’t work, reading a book in bed helps calm my mind. Keeping the bedroom very dark also makes me sleepy.

Sometimes it’s external issues that keep us up – like the boss, the boyfriend, the bills – so if you can tackle those things head on while you’re awake, it will help ease your mind to sleep. I’m a fan of talking things out and also finding solutions for every problem. If you know something is on its way to getting better, you’ll find it easier to rest.

#2. Have something tasty waiting for you when you wake up!

I don’t know about you, but I am very motivated by food! Sometimes going to bed early means I’m one step closer to having breakfast! So if the thought of getting up early scares you, you can make it less scary by having a yummy and nutritious meal waiting for you right when you wake up.

Most days, I don’t have time to make breakfast in the morning, so I have to have something super quick. So it’s either gotta be ready to go (like a banana) or made the night before. That’s why overnight oats are the COOLEST. THINGS. EVER. You can mix oats with fruits, honey, nuts, and milk in a mason jar the night before and just refrigerate it. Then boom it’s thick, creamy, and ready to eat by 6am when you’re still trying to figure out where the light switch is.

I recently discovered that Quaker has hopped on board with the overnight oats trend! I applaud them for being so quick to react to this social media trend. So good job Quaker!

Sometimes mixing your own overnight oats can be a little hit or miss in the taste bud department. You dont really know what its going to taste like until the next day. So, if youre new to this, try out Quaker Overnights Oats! They originally created over 20 recipes and narrowed it down to 4 flavor profiles. Quaker provided me all 4 flavors to try and lemme tell you… they taste REALLY GOOD! My fave flavor is Raisin Walnut & Honey Heaven!

All you have to do is pour in some milk (I use almond milk) the night before, stir and then just put the single serve container in the fridge overnight and the next morning a super delish breakfast will be waiting for you! A mix of 100% whole grain oats plus other grains, no artificial flavors and no added colors. TOTES YUM IN DA TUM.

#3. Schedule it in your calendar!

If you dont plan for it, it aint gonna happen. So, I treat my workouts with the same importance as a meeting, a doctors appointment, or a date. I put it in my calendar with a time so that its set in stone. This way, I cannot miss it. Whether you schedule your workout 1 day before a week before – doesnt matter – put it in your calendar and dont be late!

#4. Set a few alarms in the morning.

This is real talk. When I have to get up REALLY early in the morning I have at least 3 alarms go off because I dont trust myself.

First alarm: Hey, you need to get up but Ill be nice and give you a few extra minutes.

Second alarm: I said a few. Not 15 minutes. Get your butt out of bed.

Third alarm: Its been 30 minutes now. I cant believe I trusted you. GET. UP. NOW. OR ELSEEEEEE!!!!!

#5. Turn up the music.

Don’t feel in the mood? Then PUT YOURSELF IN THE MOOD! Listen to some pop music or whatever gets you going in the morning. Put on your fave songs or even your fave podcast (have you listened to The Sheroic Podcast yet!?) to help motivate you.

Awakening the mind will awaken the body! Then you’ll be ready to sweat!

#6. Embrace the extra energy you’ll gain!

Look, I know waking up early sucks. But it only sucks until you realize HOW AWESOME IT FEELS! Youll be done with your workout before other people even get out of bed! Youre going to be so efficient with your time, you will be glowing with energy, and youll be so much more driven to crush the day!

I hope these 6 tips will help you change your lifestyle in a way that will make you healthier and happier. Seriously though guys, I never ever thought Id be the morning workout type. But look – I am living proof that YOU CAN CHANGE.

In fact, you can do anything if you want to. The hardest part is getting started. But once you get over the fear of how its going to feel, that fear will be replaced with excitement for a new type of life youre going to be living. One that you once thought was impossible.

K now go try at least one of these tips and be a morning person with me! Comment below what time you normally wake up!

And a big, big thanks to The Quaker Oats Company for partnering with me on this blog post. I love me some yummy Quaker Overnight Oats in the morning! Really though, go try them. So good.

from Blogilates

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