Friday, June 30, 2017

Your July Workout Calendar!

Hey guys!

July is going to be a very exciting month! Not only is it America’s 241st birthday (yay for pool parties, hot dogs, and fireworks) but we’re gonna be celebrating by doing a SUMMER SONG CHALLENGE SERIES!!! Beginning July 10th, I’m giving you 2 workout videos a week! YAY!

But before we get there, I have a super surprise for you. You know how you guys keep asking me to do a video with my sister?

Well guess what.


On Sunday the 2nd, I am releasing a super fun Yoga workout with Jackelyn who’s not only certified yogic, she’s certified awesome. GET READY!

Here’s the new July 2017 Workout Calendar!

Download linked PDF | Download hi-res JPEG

I am so happy you guys are digging the linked videos. Makes life so much easier huh? Also, if you are the type that likes having the calendar as a desktop background, the hi-res JPEG is there for ya!

Now, who wants to hit July off with a BOOM CHICKA BOOM BOOM!??

I do. And what always sets a fire under my bootay is hearing how other power women take risks, fall, get up, and then absolutely crush it in the game of life!

If you haven’t subscribed to “The Sheroic Podcast” yet – omg do it. There are now 4 episodes for you to binge listen to and each one leaves you feeling unstoppable, inspired, and fearless. My fave episode so far is our newest one with professional freerunner and stuntwoman Sydney Olson!

Do you remember her from my BODYPOP music video 2 years ago?

The flips she had to do for that music video scared me to death. But that is what Sydney finds fun. In our newest Sheroic episode, we discuss being set on fire (no seriously), falling, breaking bones, and getting stronger. It’s a really good one.

Please subscribe to The Sheroic Podcast on iTunes!! Stitcher is also a really great app for podcasts too.


But, you guys can always head over to the Be Sheroic YouTube channel and watch the video version!

Anyway, I really hope you guys take advantage of all of the tools being given to you. You have the Blogilates calendar as a workout plan. You have me as your trainer. You have the Sheroic podcast as your mental stimulation. You have the entire POPster community as your support. You really don’t have any excuse to not be inspired. So get your booty up and moving!

Let’s kill it this July! LEGOOOOO!!!!


from Blogilates

How to get yourself to work out in the morning!


Big thanks to The Quaker Oats Company for partnering with me on this blog post!

Hey guys!

Working out in the morning is something that I could not get myself to do for YEARS. It was one of those “impossible” challenges that I honestly did not know how to conquer! I mean, I was going to bed at 2 or 3 am everyday, so it was probably better that I DIDN’T work out in the morning.

Well, within the past year, the impossible became the possible thanks to simple habit makeovers which allowed me to wake up earlier. Let me tell you – getting in your work out first thing in the morning is a GAME CHANGER. I end up feeling driven and motivated for work or school, my energy levels are through the roof, and I get the best sleep of my life later that night.

I want you to experience the magic of waking up early…so here are 6 tips that can make morning workouts a reality for you! FOR REAL!

#1. Go to bed early and at the same time every night.

I think the hardest thing about waking up in the morning is getting yourself to go to bed early. If you’re a night owl, like I used to be, it’s difficult to break that habit. But, it can be done if you want it to be done.

My trick is to make myself sleepy around 10:30pm. I’ll stretch 30 min to an hour before bed, which helps prepare my body for relaxation. If that doesn’t work, reading a book in bed helps calm my mind. Keeping the bedroom very dark also makes me sleepy.

Sometimes it’s external issues that keep us up – like the boss, the boyfriend, the bills – so if you can tackle those things head on while you’re awake, it will help ease your mind to sleep. I’m a fan of talking things out and also finding solutions for every problem. If you know something is on its way to getting better, you’ll find it easier to rest.

#2. Have something tasty waiting for you when you wake up!

I don’t know about you, but I am very motivated by food! Sometimes going to bed early means I’m one step closer to having breakfast! So if the thought of getting up early scares you, you can make it less scary by having a yummy and nutritious meal waiting for you right when you wake up.

Most days, I don’t have time to make breakfast in the morning, so I have to have something super quick. So it’s either gotta be ready to go (like a banana) or made the night before. That’s why overnight oats are the COOLEST. THINGS. EVER. You can mix oats with fruits, honey, nuts, and milk in a mason jar the night before and just refrigerate it. Then boom it’s thick, creamy, and ready to eat by 6am when you’re still trying to figure out where the light switch is.

I recently discovered that Quaker has hopped on board with the overnight oats trend! I applaud them for being so quick to react to this social media trend. So good job Quaker!

Sometimes mixing your own overnight oats can be a little hit or miss in the taste bud department. You dont really know what its going to taste like until the next day. So, if youre new to this, try out Quaker Overnights Oats! They originally created over 20 recipes and narrowed it down to 4 flavor profiles. Quaker provided me all 4 flavors to try and lemme tell you… they taste REALLY GOOD! My fave flavor is Raisin Walnut & Honey Heaven!

All you have to do is pour in some milk (I use almond milk) the night before, stir and then just put the single serve container in the fridge overnight and the next morning a super delish breakfast will be waiting for you! A mix of 100% whole grain oats plus other grains, no artificial flavors and no added colors. TOTES YUM IN DA TUM.

#3. Schedule it in your calendar!

If you dont plan for it, it aint gonna happen. So, I treat my workouts with the same importance as a meeting, a doctors appointment, or a date. I put it in my calendar with a time so that its set in stone. This way, I cannot miss it. Whether you schedule your workout 1 day before a week before – doesnt matter – put it in your calendar and dont be late!

#4. Set a few alarms in the morning.

This is real talk. When I have to get up REALLY early in the morning I have at least 3 alarms go off because I dont trust myself.

First alarm: Hey, you need to get up but Ill be nice and give you a few extra minutes.

Second alarm: I said a few. Not 15 minutes. Get your butt out of bed.

Third alarm: Its been 30 minutes now. I cant believe I trusted you. GET. UP. NOW. OR ELSEEEEEE!!!!!

#5. Turn up the music.

Don’t feel in the mood? Then PUT YOURSELF IN THE MOOD! Listen to some pop music or whatever gets you going in the morning. Put on your fave songs or even your fave podcast (have you listened to The Sheroic Podcast yet!?) to help motivate you.

Awakening the mind will awaken the body! Then you’ll be ready to sweat!

#6. Embrace the extra energy you’ll gain!

Look, I know waking up early sucks. But it only sucks until you realize HOW AWESOME IT FEELS! Youll be done with your workout before other people even get out of bed! Youre going to be so efficient with your time, you will be glowing with energy, and youll be so much more driven to crush the day!

I hope these 6 tips will help you change your lifestyle in a way that will make you healthier and happier. Seriously though guys, I never ever thought Id be the morning workout type. But look – I am living proof that YOU CAN CHANGE.

In fact, you can do anything if you want to. The hardest part is getting started. But once you get over the fear of how its going to feel, that fear will be replaced with excitement for a new type of life youre going to be living. One that you once thought was impossible.

K now go try at least one of these tips and be a morning person with me! Comment below what time you normally wake up!

And a big, big thanks to The Quaker Oats Company for partnering with me on this blog post. I love me some yummy Quaker Overnight Oats in the morning! Really though, go try them. So good.

from Blogilates

Monday, June 26, 2017

I’m looking for awesome peeps.


Hey guys!

I’m so thrilled to be opening up some new positions on the Blogifam team! We’re got loads of cool projects going on between our five brands (Blogilates, POPFLEX, PIIT28, POP Pilates, Sheroic) but we need more help! Personally, I’m feeling super excited about everything going on, but I also a bit overwhelmed. And by a bit, I mean I’ve been sleeping a LOT less. NOT GOOD.

I’m so so so happy with everyone on the team right now and I need more people who exude the same type of positive, passionate, and inspiring energy. Going to work feels like I’m going to a place where I get create cool stuff with friends! That’s the vibe I want to keep no matter how big our company gets. But it has to start with building a strong foundation with the right people. This is VERY VERY important to me. You’ve gotta be nice, hard working, open minded and ALWAYS willing to learn. If you’ve got cool ideas and aren’t afraid to execute, then perfect.

So, before I even tell you what the positions are, this is what you can expect as an employee of Blogilates (aka an official member of the Blogifam):

  1. You will have a direct, positive impact on the world. Everything you create will be experienced by millions of people.
  2. You can build your career here as fast and as big as you can create it. There are no corporate ladders to climb. But you need to build your own ladder.
  3. You will come to work because you are driven by your passion. You will understand what it means to be in love with your job.
  4. You will become part of a trusting family. The Blogifam will push you to be better, smarter, and stronger everyday.
  5. Your dreams will come true as you help make our dreams come true. 
  6. You will not be faced with ego, pride, and politics. That is not allowed here.

Got it?


Here are the current positions that we are accepting applications for:

  • Artistic Graphic Designer
    • We’re adding another graphic designer to the team! If you’re a creative boss in Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign…and have an eye for the what looks good, ➜ Apply here
  • Excellent Writer & Social Media Coordinator
    • Are your writing skills so good that they could make someone cry? Are you hyper aware of pop culture, the news, and all things Millennial? We’re looking for someone obsessed with creating engaging content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and all social channels. ➜ Apply here
  • Creative Assistant
    • If you’re someone who loves having your hands in a bunch of projects at once, this is going to be a super fun position for you. You’ll be assisting with video shoots, photoshoots, social media, post production edits, fashion design projects, and graphic design tasks. ➜ Apply here

Read the full descriptions on the Blogilates Career Page. Send your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to

Good luck and I cannot wait to add more family members to the team!

from Blogilates

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Valentine House by Emma Henderson

‘The Valentine House’ by Emma Henderson is set in the French Alps at Arete, a large chalet built by Sir Anthony Valentine in the late nineteenth century and used as a summer house by the family across several generations. In … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, June 24, 2017

5 SCARY Things That Happen When You Don’t Sleep!

Sleep is something that I used to take for granted when I was younger. I thought I could get more done if I slept less – like sneaking in a workout at 12am instead of going to bed, or pulling all nighters in college to finish up a paper instead of just getting it done earlier in the week. I was a perfectionist and a procrastinator.

My night owl habits started in 7th grade and I didn’t stop this unhealthy habit of not sleeping enough until just a couple years ago. Unfortunately, it took me a LONG time to realize that my lack of sleep was one of the main reasons for my weight issues and stress! 

Crazy right? You wouldn’t think so! But nearly 87% of Americans say they have trouble falling asleep, and if you’re one of them, listen up! I want to help you sleep more because I need you to be happy and healthy! So I’ll start off by scaring you into sleeping more :)

Here are 5 things that could happen if you don’t sleep enough!

#1. You’ll start looking old

You know how you get dark circles under your eyes after a few nights of bad sleep? Turns out that if you continuously don’t sleep enough, those eye bags are basically permanent.

Research shows that when you don’t get enough rest, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. In excess amounts, it can break down skin collagen – the protein that keeps your skin smooth and young.

On top of that, lack of sleep makes your body release less human growth hormone – the thing you need for daily tissue repair. It’s only during DEEP sleep that human growth hormone can be released. So if you want to stay looking young…channel your inner sleeping beauty!

#2. Your memory will deteriorate

I’ve always had such a hard time remembering people’s names or choreography for a POP Pilates routine, but I never knew it was something I could control!

If you’re trying to learn something new, like a language, you can learn it to a certain point with practice. But then when you go to bed, something happens to strengthen those practice skills that actually makes you learn it better. This process is called consolidation.

Studies have shown that college students who don’t get enough sleep have worse grades than those who do.

So bottom line? Better sleep means you’ll learn better and remember more.

#3. Your creativity will diminish

Sleeping more makes you emotionally and creatively sharp! If you’re an artist, a writer, a musician, an entrepreneur or anyone who wants to get creative and work outside the box – you need to get adequate sleep to perform your best!

While you sleep, your brain not only consolidates memories to make them stronger, it also reorganizes and restructures them. Researchers at Harvard and Boston College actually found that people can strengthen the emotional parts of their memory during sleep.

So…this means that if I’m trying to choreograph a new POP Pilates routine during the day, and I’m having a hard time remembering that after the 8 planks jacks I need to go to 4 hip twists during the chorus, then my brain will help me memorize that during sleep. My feelings of confusion during this part will be deposited somewhere in my brain. So the next day when I get to that very part where I keep messing up, I’ll remember “OH CONFUSION! This is the plank jack to hip twist part!”

Clever huh?

#4. You’ll gain weight

Unfortunately, this is something that I didn’t realize until a few years ago. Lack of sleep messed with my metabolism, which messed up the hormones in my blood, making me feel hungry all the time. So I ended up overeating without really knowing it. And to add on to that…my lack of sleep caused stress on my body which resulted in high levels of the hormone cortisol and then an extra deposit of fat in my lower belly specifically.

Similarly, researchers at the University of Chicago found that dieters who were well rested lost more fat, whereas dieters who were sleep deprived lost more muscle mass. And you KNOW you don’t want to be losing that muscle we all work so hard for!

#5. You’ll feel angry for no reason

Sleep and mood are very closely connected! When you don’t sleep enough, you become irritable and stressed out!

University of Pennsylvania researchers tested subjects on 4.5 hrs of sleep a night for a week and the people reported feeling angry, sad, and mentally exhausted. And then you’re likely to enter a vicious cycle…where you can’t sleep because you’re stressed out!

When the subjects of the study resumed their regular sleep hours, they reported feeling so much happier! So if you feel down in the dumps sometimes and have no idea why, check your sleep patterns.

Okay, now here’s how you can get more sleep…and better quality sleep!

  • Stretch or meditate before bed to slow down your body and prepare it for sleep.
  • Have an intense workout earlier in the day. This always tires me out and makes me sleep like a baby.
  • Set your phone to “do not disturb” so that you’re not answering texts late at night.
  • Try not to look at your phone in bed. The light makes it hard for me to fall asleep.
  • Try reading a book before bed. This helps calm my mind and naturally makes me drift away.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night to create a routine that your body can follow.

Usually these tips work for me, but sometimes when I’m jet lagged and my time zones are all super messed up, I take ZzzQuil to help me fall asleep. It makes me fall asleep in as little as 20 minutes! It’s my little trick for getting my 7-8 hours of sleep after big trips. I don’t have time or energy to waste on readjusting to time, so if any of you have trouble falling asleep you might want to try ZzzQuil. I always get quality sleep and wake up feeling really refreshed.

And don’t worry, it’s not a pain med. I’ve never become dependent on it and I only use it when I need it. All it does is block the histamine in your body to help you fall asleep fast.

So guys, I hope you have decided to make sleep a part of your daily routine! It’s just as important as exercising and eating clean, but probably one of the easier things to do on your health journey. Whatever’s keeping you up – your boss, your boyfriend, your bills – just shake it off and go to bed. You’ll wake up a lot more creative and happy.

And big thanks to ZzzQuil for partnering with me on this video to encourage you guys to sleep more!

Good night!


from Blogilates

Friday, June 23, 2017

Why gardening is getting a youth takeover

Kim Stoddart on the new projects fostering a fun connection with the natural world for children and teenagers

I had an interest in the great outdoors from a very young age. I can remember as a child watching mesmerised as hundreds of baby spiders emerged and spread themselves bravely across a web. I wanted to grow veg but my parents didn’t know how, so I threw carrot seeds in the ground recklessly, hoping for the best. While I tried to fit in as best I could at school, my apparently not-very-cool interest withered - until my late twenties, when I began dabbling with growing veg in my back garden.

Even now, nudging into my forties, I still regularly hear people say “you’re a gardener? Aren’t you too young to be doing that?” While I increasingly enjoy hearing the words; “aren’t you too young?”, the idea that “this” should only be enjoyed by an older generation both amuses and grates.

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from Gardening blog | The Guardian

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Report a workplace injury or disease

Before a person experiences an injury or illness at work, the employer must already be aware of how to report this kind of incident. Having pre-existing knowledge of the claims process will lessen the stress on everyone should such problems arise.

Image Source: Flickr

  • Workers can call Teleclaim at 1-888-WORKERS(1.888.967.5377)
  • Employers must submit a report to WorkSafeBC
  • Health care providers must also present a provider-specific report to WorskSafeBC

What to report
Contact WorkSafeBC right away when a worker:

  • Leaves the workplace in order to receive treatment in a medical facility
  • Is absent the day after getting injured
  • Goes unconscious
  • Is diagnosed with a work-related illness
  • Shows symptoms of a mental health sickness that is probably caused by the nature of work or the workplace itself
  • Has broken eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aid, or artificial limbs because of circumstances at work.

In the event of grievous incidents, employers should urgently inform WorkSafeBC.

The claims process
Help speed up a worker’s recovery after being injured at or because of work by allowing them to do altered tasks at home. Medical studies prove that working is one of the most relevant factors in staying healthy.

Here are the steps workers can follow for most of the basic claims:

  1. File a claim

A filed report involving a work-related disease or injury requires supplementing information gathered from the worker, employer, and health care provider. It takes approximately 10 days for a decision to be made on whether a claim is approved or not. Other claims will require more time.

  1. Start receiving the benefits

The worker will be informed of the benefits and services that they should expect to receive once their claim is accepted. These things can help them recuperate so they can eventually go back to work.  Wage-loss payments are given to a worker who cannot work nor engage in altered tasks.

  1. Manage the claim

WorkSafeBC offers online tools that simplify the ways a worker can manage a claim. All information they might need regarding their claim can be found in their online account.

  1. Resume doing your usual work

The worker’s desire to go back to their previous tasks is also encouraged by WorkSafeBC. The aid offered is designed to strengthen the link between recovery and work.

A worker must communicate with their health care provider and with WorkSafeBC if their situation doesn’t improve or if they are worried about missing more time from work.


Working Safety Solutions

#200-4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C.

The post Report a workplace injury or disease appeared first on Working Safety Solutions.

from Working Safety Solutions

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami

‘Men Without Women’ by Haruki Murakami is the renowned Japanese author’s first new collection of short stories to be translated into English in over a decade. Echoing Ernest Hemingway’s collection of the same name, the seven tales in this collection … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Friday, June 16, 2017

Okay. I’m finally doing this.


I didn’t grow up rich. In fact, it was far from that. My family brought me up in a shack – literally it was a converted wooden garage. 1 bed, 1 bath for 4 people. It would flood when it rained too hard. We had mouse traps everywhere because the mice would eat away at our bags of rice.

My parents taught me and my sister that money was hard to come by and that if we wanted it, we had to save it and work for it. To give you some perspective, McDonald’s was considered a fancy dinner.

So growing up, I always worked hard to earn what I needed. I NEVER ever asked for anything. That humble attitude right there is what has helped me become the entrepreneur that I am today – a girl who (I hate bragging but to get the point across I need to say this, so excuse me!) eventually built 4 internationally successful brands: Blogilates, POP Pilates, POPFLEX, and PIIT28 from scratch, never asking for a dime.

You know the bubbly fitness instructor, but there’s more that goes on behind the scenes. Guys, this is the side of me that I have ALWAYS wanted to share with you. I want you to get to know me for real.

So, over the past 2 years I’ve been hesitating over the idea of starting a podcast in order to share these stories with you. I wasn’t sure if you’d care to listen. Like, do you only want tips on how to get “flat abs and toned arms”? If I showed you more of me, would you be like “well that’s unnecessary”?

Well, guess what? I always follow my heart, not my hesitations. And my heart is telling me to do this.

So here it goes.

Guys, I’m soooooo thrilled to announce that I’m launching “The Sheroic Podcast” on June 21 with one of my best friends and a fellow female entrepreneur Lisa Bilyeu, @lisabilyeu!


I really want you to get to know Lisa because she is an incredible, smart, successful and down to earth Shero that you need in your life too! So watch this video to prep yourself for what’s to come:

You next task is to go follow @besheroic! And go subscribe to “The Sheroic Podcast” on iTunes and Stitcher! The first full length episode drops next Wed June 21!

I can’t wait guys. I literally can’t wait for you to hear the podcast. We’re covering everything from body image to entrepreneurship to love to jealousy to competition to failure to following your dreams and pretty much any topic you want to hear our opinion on. It’s going to be raw, real, and deep. Just the way I like it ;)

Oh and because I am a huge visualizer, take a look at my phone background!

I thought you guys might want it too…so here’s the official Sheroic phone background! Just save the image and make it your wallpaper! We can be twinsies :)

Hope you like it! Let’s all channel our inner Sheroes and prepare for a successful launch on June 21!

Alright now go comment and ask a question that you want answered on the podcast. GO!

from Blogilates

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Man Booker International Prize Winner 2017

The official winner of the Man Booker International Prize was announced last night with A Horse Walks into a Bar by David Grossman translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen taking the £50,000 prize split equally between author and translator. … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lasers & Their Risks

Lasers are an apparatus typically used in certain workplaces which can instantly cause harm and injure your workers. Below, you’ll find the risks that come with operating this device and controls that can help limit the hazard for workers.

Image Source: Flickr

How workers are exposed
Lasers are becoming a more typical addition to equipment at some workplaces. Some workers are exposed just by supervising a laser device, and some just by being in an area where a laser is being used. It can reflect in unexpected ways on some surfaces that may cause the beam to strike at workers that are nearby.

The risks
Laser light emitted into a worker’s eyes is dangerous. A low-powered laser can make a worker blink to protect their eyes which can cause a distraction and result in injury. More powerful lasers such as CO2 lasers can seriously damage the eyes even before triggering a blink response.

Other injuries such as thermal burns can also be caused by lasers to a varying degree which depends on the power of the laser.

How to reduce the risks
Working with lasers requires training. A worker must be knowledgeable about the classifications of lasers and how they work, personal protective equipment to use, and safety measures needed in case of emergencies.  A workplace with a Class 3B or Class 4 laser requires a laser safety program and the presence of a trained laser safety officer.

There are different controls that can limit the hazardous effects of lasers. The most effective will be to fully eliminate the source of the hazard, but if that’s not possible, there are other ways. Below, you’ll find the different kinds of controls arranged in order of effectiveness.

Elimination or substitution
Eliminate the source of hazard by replacing a safer process or equipment. Can a less hazardous method of cutting be utilized instead of using a laser?

Engineering controls
Physical alterations to the facility, machinery, and processes can lessen a worker’s exposure from the hazard. Can work methods get automated so that workers don’t have to get exposed to laser light? Can workers be shielded from laser light by installing barriers or enclosures?

Administrative controls
Administrative controls include changes to rules and regulations at work, distribution of awareness materials, and training workers. Is there an established exposure control plan that workers know about? Do you have a laser safety officer? Are there warning signs posted in areas where lasers are used?

Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Because this is the least effective control, one of the previous controls should be used together with PPE.  It is imperative that workers are always wearing proper PPE and that it is well maintained.

Working Safety Solutions

#200-4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C.

The post Lasers & Their Risks appeared first on Working Safety Solutions.

from Working Safety Solutions

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

‘Conversations with Friends’ by Sally Rooney tells the story of twenty-one-year-old student and aspiring poet Frances and her friend and ex-girlfriend Bobbi who live in Dublin and perform spoken word pieces together. They meet Melissa, a journalist and photographer in … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Friday, June 9, 2017

Climate change is catching up with gardeners: just look at the Chelsea flower show

What will British gardens look like in 20 years’ time? Robbie Blackhall-Miles finds some clues at the Chelsea flower show

It hit me like a smack in the face. This year’s RHS Chelsea flower show was quite blatant in showcasing the effects of climate change; you may not have noticed though. Most people visiting the show or tuning into the BBC coverage were homed in on the increasingly more naturalistic planting style, the reduced number of large show gardens and the amazing lupins.

However, the increasing temperatures that our planet is experiencing are catching up with us gardeners. While the changes may be subtle in our own gardens, when you see them distilled and condensed, as I did at the world’s greatest flower show, the dawning realisation that they are real comes as quite a shock.

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from Gardening blog | The Guardian

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Blue poppies shine at Gardening Scotland

From prehistoric plants to a murder mystery garden, Tom Smart picks out the highlights at Gardening Scotland

The beginning of June is an important time for Scottish gardeners – the risk of frost has passed, early salads are ready for harvest, and flowers fill the borders. It also marks one of the most main events in the Scottish horticultural calendar: Gardening Scotland. Each year the Royal Highland Centre, just next to Edinburgh Airport, becomes the epicentre for Scottish gardening.

I decided to bring along a manically destructive toddler with an interest in touching sharp or unstable objects. If I was going to attend a gardening show, I thought, why not add an element of danger?

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from Gardening blog | The Guardian

Sun & UV Radiation

The most common source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the sun, however, harmful levels can also come from other sources. Excessive exposure to UV rays can be very harmful which is why people exposed to UV rays as part of their job should use caution to avoid its bad effects.

Image Source: Flickr

How Workers are Exposed
Examples of jobs with workers getting exposed to UV rays include:


  • Farming
  • Construction
  • Gardening
  • Paving


  • UV water filtration maintenance
  • Tanning salon
  • Welding
  • Foundry
  • Healthcare

The Dangers to Workers
Everyone responds differently to UV radiation and what may be a mild reaction to short-term exposure for some can develop into a more adverse reaction to others.

Effects of Short-Term Exposure

  • Suntan
  • Skin irritation
  • Eye irritation

Effects of Long-Term Exposure

  • Skin cancer
  • Severe burns
  • Blindness

People under the following conditions are more at risk of getting skin cancer:

  • Light-coloured skin, eyes and hair
  • Exposure under the sun for long periods of time
  • Had a number of blistering sunburns during childhood
  • Taking medication that renders them sensitive to UV light

How to Reduce the Risks
When the outdoor UV index level is high, you should avoid working outside or at least try to decrease the amount of time you are exposed to the sun.

It is best to use UV protection even if it’s cloudy, hazy, or foggy weather because even during this weather, harmful UV rays are not being blocked from getting to you.

Elimination or Substitution
Fully eliminating the hazard using a different process or equipment is the most efficient control to implement.  Consider asking:

  • Can workers stay away from machineries that generate UV light?
  • Can workers avoid getting exposed to UV by eliminating a certain process?

Engineering Controls
Modifications that can be done to facilities, machinery, and processes are all considered engineering controls. Exposure can be limited by asking questions like:

  • Are damaged UV-emitting machineries quickly fixed?
  • Can guards and shields be installed?
  • Can shelters or enclosures be installed in work stations?

Administrative Controls
Changing policies, training workers, and making awareness tools more available can help to limit the risk of overexposure to UV rays. Also, workers can be asked to do indoor tasks when UV ratings are high, or at least have their exposure time limited.

Personal Protective Equipment
Because this is the least effective among the control methods, it should be paired with at least one of the other controls. Workers should wear proper personal protective equipment to shield and guard them from excessive UV exposure.


Working Safety Solutions

#200-4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C.

The post Sun & UV Radiation appeared first on Working Safety Solutions.

from Working Safety Solutions

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Why I’m no longer ashamed of crying

I’m an emotional person. When I’m happy, I jump up and down, clap like a seal, and cry.  When I’m upset, my body starts to shake, my voice quivers, and I cry.  When I’m grateful, I smile and get glassy-eyed until I cry.  

I used to hate the fact that I showed too much emotion around people. But especially in business. My dad always told me that my emotions would get in the way of my success as an entrepreneur…that people wouldn’t take me seriously if I cried during a meeting or negotiation. Makes sense…


I don’t cry in meetings or negotiations. I’m not fragile when it comes to situations where I know exactly what I want and what I need to do to get it. Reality has proven that my emotions have helped me succeed in business because it’s taught me to follow my heart.

Outside of business though…I cannot hold back the tears! It’s nothing to be ashamed of though because I’ve come to understand that emotions are a beautiful and very necessary part of the human experience. Tears are the liquid droplets of my soul that you get to see when I’m FEELING. 

Crying doesn’t mean I’m weak, it means I’m strong enough to share with you my vulnerability.

So if any of you out there are criers too – embrace it. It’s part of you! And it’s better than not feeling at all! Anyway, here’s a picture of me smiling and NOT crying because that’s a good look for me. 😉 Any criers out there? 

from Blogilates

Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo and The Dark Circle by Linda Grant

I have been reading two of the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction shortlisted books ahead of the announcement of the winner this Wednesday. I won a copy of ‘Stay With Me’ by Ayobami Adebayo via a competition on Twitter (thanks, … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, June 3, 2017

I have a soft body. So what?

No matter how proud I am of my fitness achievements, there’s always someone that will say “Not to be rude but why is Cassey still fat after all these years of working out? She looks bulky and has rolls.”

I’m not writing this so you can tell me to “ignore the haters” because I don’t think this person is a hater. I think this person is genuinely asking why I’m not stick thin or ultra muscly like all the other trainers out there. And the truth is, I ask myself this all the time. If most people did what I did workout wise and eating wise, they would probably be stick thin or ultra muscly.

But not me. I have a soft body.

But I’m accepting that because my body is so much more than a loud billboard. My body is a novel with an intricate story.

I’ve been there – skinny and toned. But I was miserable. I could not function at my optimal levels in other areas of my life. So today, I choose to be happy with this body while being happy with the all the other cool things I’m getting to accomplish in business, relationships and creativity. My body is so much more than how it looks. I love my body for what it CAN DO.

And for anyone thinking that I’m making an excuse for my soft body, NOPE. I’m still working everyday to get stronger. My body is simply a result of the work, not the goal…and hey, nothing’s over til I die, so I’ll keep trying new things until that day comes!

Please remember that EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT! There is no one right way to lose fat or gain muscle. We’re all formulated differently. It’s in our genes! So each of our prescriptions for diet and exercise will be different.

What I can say though is that I don’t count calories anymore and I surely don’t spend more than an hour working out a day. Sometimes it’s only 28 minutes! And I FEEL. GOOD. POWERFUL. UNSTOPPABLE.

If you’re looking for something new to challenge your body and mind with – try PIIT28 or get certified as a POP Pilates Instructor. I hope one of these programs can help you guys find what works for you! Remember to love your body and never stop working hard! Love you so much!

from Blogilates