Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thank You Kind Stranger…

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

The other day when Sam and I were in Singapore, we were in line for some smoothies, needing to desperately hydrate ourselves from the scorching hot sun. I had just taught a huge class at Fitness Fest and was feeling nauseous and weak from the heat.

The only thing I wanted was an ice cold smoothie. We searched around and eventually found a smoothie stand by our hotel. It looked like an oasis in the desert.

I looked at the menu and picked the one with fresh mangoes and dragonfruit in it. I could’t wait for the sweet and tangy nectar to cool on my tongue. Sam picked one that was a little creamier – something with yogurt and matcha.

When we pulled out our wallets to pay, the cashier shook her head and told us that she could not take MasterCard or Visa. Darn, I thought. We didn’t have time to change our currency because we basically flew in, got off the plane and went straight to work. Besides the credit cards, we only had US dollars. But, it would not suffice.

Feeling defeated and very dehydrated, we walked away when a complete stranger said “I’ll pay for them.”


We turned around to see this young man walking towards the counter with some Singaporean cash, urging the cashier to take it. We kept telling him “No, please don’t” but he insisted.

The thing that happened next was beautiful.

The cashier saw his kindness and whipped up a free smoothie for him while blending 2 for us. Of course the young man insisted that she take the money for his smoothie too. She didn’t want to and kept denying it. But, eventually the guy won and she reluctantly accepted it.

All 3 of us patiently waited for our smoothies in an awkward, beautiful and grateful silence. I didn’t really know what to say because I was so taken aback emotionally. We tried to offer him our US dollars but he would have none of it. After a few minutes, we all got our drinks, and we thanked him endlessly. Then, we parted ways. Probably never to see each other again.

But, I’ll never forget him.

How could a complete stranger who didn’t even know me do something like that for me? His random act of kindness means so much to me and speaks VOLUMES about his character. A genuinely good human who isn’t asking for anything in return. A kind human who just wants to help. That’s who I want to be everyday.

Ahh…this is what we need more of in the world. THANK YOU STRANGER, not only for the smoothie, but for inspiring me to be more giving. I will not let your kindness go to waste. The ripple will continue to spread.

Thank you.

from Blogilates

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