Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Theresa’s Transformation

Hey guys!

Meet Thereasa (aka @theresa_piitlates)! When I saw this collage below, I could not believe my eyes! 140 days of PIIT28 (Pilates Intense Interval Training, only 28 minutes a day) and she’s 60 pounds down from the day she started. That is INCREDIBLE! It’s not easy to motivate yourself to move, especially when you feel heavy, lethargic, and in many cases, sad. It takes a lot more than people can understand to find motivation when you’re starting from a dark place. “Just do it” is a simple phrase but it means nothing if the fire inside you does not want to burn.

Theresa picked herself out of anxiety and depression and changed he body and her mind. In fact, she says that the physical transformation was just the icing on the cake. Read her interview below to see how you did it. So proud of this girl…


CASSEY: When you first signed up for PIIT28, what were you expecting? 

THERESA: Honestly when I first signed up I thought it was going to be like other work out programs I have tried. I thought it was going to be hard and not fun. I thought it would drag out and I wouldn’t be able to do it…I wasn’t confident in myself and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to put myself through something like this. I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin and even today, sometimes, I am still not. But I’m working on it. I always tell myself to look up, not down. The day I started PIIT28, I committed and said to myself – NO MORE EXCUSES!

CASSEY: You totally killed it! I’m so proud of you! :) Do you think you’ve accomplished your “dream body”? 

THERESA:  My dream has always been to lose the heaviness of my body. I’ve carried a lot of weight for a long time. So, have I achieved that? Yes! But am I where I want to be? No, I would like to be a little stronger and a little more toned. But I know I am more than half way there!




CASSEY: What excites you most about your transformation?

THERESA: To be honest, how I FEEL is what I am most excited about. The look in the mirror was the icing on the cake for me. I feel so much happier, so much more excited to work out, and I feel STRONGER mentally. Cassey has helped me push my negative feelings out the window with every move and it’s such a stress reliever. I now have more energy to do  the things I love, and the best part is it’s not all in my head, my husband notices my increase in energy too!

piit28 before and after

This is Theresa 23 weeks apart in her earned-not-bought PIIT28 tank. She’s like a totally different person!

CASSEY: I want to hear more about feeling stronger mentally. I feel like there’s an underlying story here…

THERESA: I have had anxiety for a long time and it’s something I have always fought to handle without medication. PIIT28 grounds me, it relieves stress and any anxious feelings I may get. I used to get depressed a lot because of my weight and the way I looked. I know first hand how that is…it’s like a spiraling black hole that never ends. But since joining this community, I feel like I’m no longer trapped in side this hole. There’s less tension, less anxiousness. I get to see others in different stages of their journeys, I sympathize with their struggles and then I realize that it’s not just me! It really helps to connect with other people. PIIT28 really made me so much happier and healthier! I finally have a better relationship with my body.


CASSEY: What’s your “power phrase” for when you’re about to give up?

THERESA: I CAN and WILL do this. I am strong and nothing can tear me down. This is for me.

CASSEY: What’s a typical daily meal plan look like for you now? 


  • Breakfast: Usually greek yogurt or a egg white wrap with a cup of coffee, no sugar.
  • Snacks: Fruit or a nutrition bar
  • Lunch: Varies. Sometimes it’s a fruit smoothie or a Lenny and Larry’s complete cookie with some fruit.
  • Dinner: Chicken, tofu, or fish with variety of veggies and a grain like quinoa or brown rice.

CASSEY: Advice for POPsters going through PIIT28?

THERESA: The biggest thing in my opinion is to remember everyone is on their own journey and we won’t have the same results! I mean, it’s totally ok to get mad, upset, or down but don’t stay negative. Remember to pick yourself back up! It’s going to be hard, but you’ll be stronger, healthier, and happier because of it. Also, never let anyone pull you down or tell you it won’t happen because it will, and they are wrong. And finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to a friend if you’re having a hard time because it’s better to vent than to bottle up your feelings.


CASSEY: How would you describe the PIIT28 Community? 

THERESA: Everyone is so passionate, so open, and always willing to be there for support and to give friendship! I love reading their stories and bonding over similar achievements and hardships. (We all struggle, but we never give up!) Having friends throughout this has also built up my confidence.

CASSEY:  I feel you glowing through the screen! 

THERESA: I’m feeling so excited right now and so happy that you asked me to share my journey with everyone! I’m just thrilled!! PIIT28 wasn’t easy, but it was so worth it.


Thank you beautiful Theresa for sharing your story! You are SUCH an inspiration to us all. Guys comment below and let us know how you’re doing on your fitness journey, be it PIIT28, the Blogilates Workout Calendar, or whatever you’re doing to stay active!


from Blogilates

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