Sunday, February 18, 2018

My 2018 so far

Hey guys!

I finally just found a moment to breathe. So that means I get to blog! It’s been a really intense start to 2018. And yes…I know that Jan 1 was like 7 weeks ago, but feel like I hit the ground sprinting and then never stopped to take a break until literally today.

So…what do we need to catch up on? Ahh yes, let’s actually start in December real quick because that’s when things started getting super crazy!


So in December was when we filmed The Perfect Storm: The Evolution of POP Pilates. It took months of planning, producing, casting, storyboarding, choreographing – I mean the whole shebang. This was the biggest production I’ve ever spearheaded out of my own pocket and I am really proud of how it came out.

For 2 years I wanted to create a video that would show you guys what POP Pilates truly meant to me…how it’s changed the way I see the world and how I view fitness.

One of the main elements of the video is of course…the song! Did you know that it was written for POP Pilates? For a while I was looking for someone to help me write and produce a song about breaking boundaries and not being afraid.

Our good friends and music masterminds Sam Tsui and Casey Breves offered to create this special song for us after we had one of our first dinners together. I was so star struck at the moment that I didn’t believe what they were actually going to do it. But lo and behold, 3 days later I get an email from Sam with the song attached. I was like…WHAT. IS. LIFE!

That was about 2 years ago. And it wasn’t until this past December that we were finally able to finalize the vision and make it happen!

I am so happy with the way the music video turned out! I hope you FEEL everything I am feeling throughout the story. I once felt like fitness was a black & white scary world but then realized that if you’re not afraid to be different and break rules, your potential is totally in your hands. POP Pilates is magical to me and I’m so thankful for each and every one of you who continue to do it every day!


This was long overdue but the engagement dinner finally happened! It was small and intimate with members from both sides of the families getting to know each other better.

Also update on the wedding venue…we just signed the contract for our venue!! It’s happening!!! AHHH!!! The wedding will be this coming October. OMG it’s time to GO HARD with the planning! I will keep you posted on everything!


On Jan 16th, I turned 1 year older! And for that I will give you 1 bit of wisdom.

Stand up for yourself. I know it sounds simple, but I used to be the type of person who would sacrifice myself so that I could avoid confrontation. Sometimes that’s fine for the small battles, but for the big ones, you’ve got to let people know how you feel or else the problem will persist. If you’re not willing to speak up and face the problem head on, then you’ve got to walk away confidently and leave it all behind and out of your life for good.


We’re coming out with a new collection soon! YES! Remember those colors you guys were voting between on @popflex_active?

Well the votes were so intense on both sides that we decided to do…BOTH COLORS! Yup :)

So you’re probably wondering when we’re releasing right? All I can say is that our photoshoot is early March, so hopefully by early Spring!


We went to Cabo for Sam‘s birthday and had some random adventures! It was my first time in Mexico! I had so many tacos and so many chips with salsa – it was insane.

I just asked Sam for a piece of wisdom that he would like to share with you guys and he says, “Take the chances you get because you only get one life.”


Right when I got back from Cabo I flew back to NYC because I was invited to be on the Today Show! I got to meet Kathie Lee and Hoda and also instruct a bunch of people on how to do some of my fave PIIT28 moves!

It was such a cool opportunity! Oh yeah, and that shirt I’m wearing? That’s a part of the new collection! Sneak peek!


Yup guys. IT HAPPENED!!!! Sam and I got a PUPPY!!!! WHAT!!!!! You guys I cannot even believe it right now. I’ve wanted this for so long and I never ever thought it was going to happen. But when I saw his deep black boba eyes and felt his soft mochi pad paws, I knew he was the one.

Meet Sir George the Magnificent! He is a pomapoo!

I never thought I could love a creature this much but I feel like I’ve unlocked another level of love – something I didn’t even know existed. It’s so weird because I hate everything poo related, but I find myself not being too bothered when I wipe dingleberries off his butt or pick up his poo. Maternal instincts I guess?

I can’t wait to share with you my journey as a puppy parent! If you want to follow along, check our Sir George’s Instagram at @sirgeorgethemagnificent.

Alright guys, that’s enough updates for now! Question for you – do you like informational blog posts or more personal ones? I want to get back to blogging more and would love to know the type of content you really want to read!

The post My 2018 so far appeared first on Blogilates.

from Blogilates

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