Saturday, April 1, 2017

President Trump wants to Remove Gas Guzzler Tax

U.S. President Donald Trump wants to remove the Gas Guzzler Tax, according to a tweet he made today. Having called global warming a hoax in the past and promised to take the U.S. out of the historic Paris climate agreement, Trump now thinks that the Gas Guzzler Tax is also a hoax that must be eliminated.

"Just like global warming, the gas guzzler tax is a total hoax. It must go and I will take care of it," he said on his Twitter account.

Granted, a short statement on social media doesn’t necessarily mean that Trump will actually remove the tax, especially given that he has changed his mind and denied his most controversial affirmations on many occasions, but he did sign an Energy Independence Executive Order that will reverse Obama’s Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions. Compared to that, eliminating the Gas Guzzler Tax is child’s play.

Needless to say, Trump’s tweet is far from surprising. In 2012, he used social media to claim that the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive," while in 2013 he called it "a total, and very expensive hoax. At some point he even went as far as to call global warming "bullshit" simply because the U.S. had "record low temps" and the "coldest weather in years" in 2014. His aggressive diatribe toward global warming continued in the presidential campaign. As soon as he was elected, he named a climate change skeptic to lead the EPA and announced plans to revisit fuel standards. Trumps administration also said it plans to cut funds for climate research because it is "a waste of money."

All told, eliminating the Gas Guzzler Tax seems like something Trump may want to do in the near future, but it remains to be seen whether he will find enough support to actually turn yet another tweet into law.

Continue reading for the full story.

from Top Speed

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