Saturday, March 31, 2018

April 2018 Workout Calendar!

Hey guys!

HAPPY APRIL! I cannot believe that we are into our 4th month of 2018! I am also now only 6 months away from the wedding! I am feeling pretty good as things like the dress, the tux,  flowers, music, photography, video, and save the dates seem to be secured now. Next I gotta figure out the wedding website, catering, drinks, lighting, tenting, the actual invites and some other major deets! But overall, I am feeling GOOD! I mean, of course familial drama once in a while but – whatever. I suppose it is to be expected!

Anyway, enough about me…let’s talk about YOU!

I have your new April Workout Calendar RIGHT HERE! Promise to take this month’s workouts seriously? Don’t slow down your motivation and don’t give up! Take each day one by one. Just remember why you started…and that’s how you’ll get back on track when you are not feeling it!

Click to download hi res cal!

You can access the clickable digital workout calendar by logging in here:

Alright, you ready!? Let’s do this guys!

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

When working out and eating clean aren’t enough.

Disclaimer: I wanted to be upfront and let you know that this post is sponsored by ZzzQuil. But as usual, all thoughts & opinions are honest, and of course, my own! Enjoy!

Hey guys!

Everyone says that working out + eating clean = weight loss. It’s supposed to be that simple, right? Calories in minus calories out? Well that’s what I thought too. Until, I tried soooo hard to stick by that equation and wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

So, I thought maybe I should work out longer! Maybe I should watch what I’m eating even more! Maybe throw in an extra session at the gym at night to burn some extra calories! But when doing more didn’t work either, I was stumped. Disappointed in myself. And so so confused. 

After doing intense research, reading books, talking to medical doctors, and learning from naturopathic doctors, I was able to uncover some things that were secretly sabotaging my results. One thing I didn’t even consider?


What? Sleep? Huh?

When I realized that, I was like wait. I was so hesitant to believe this could have any impact on my results. It sounded way too easy. I thought the more I slept, the less time I had to be productive! But you know what? As weird as that sounds, lack of sleep really was something that was holding me back. Lack of sleep was stressing me out, and the stress helped cause my weight loss plateau! So when I finally put in more effort to get to bed before 12am (I used to get to bed at 3am or 4am), my body started functioning again.

So, why do we need sleep for weight loss?

#1. When you don’t sleep enough, you tend to overeat!

Researchers from Columbia University released a study of 26 healthy men and women that showed that sleep deprived people (4 hours of sleep nightly for 6 nights) ate more calories than well rested people (9 hours of sleep nightly for 6 nights).  Sleep deprived women ate an excess of 329 calories per day and sleep deprived men ate 263 extra calories per day…and most of those extra calories came from foods like ice cream and fast food! Disruptions to sleep stimulate the hormone ghrelin, which then makes you hungry!

#2. Lack of sleep hinders muscle growth!

Scientists from Brazil found that when you don’t sleep enough, your body’s ability to make muscle (protein synthesis) is greatly diminished! And guess what? Since the American Council on Exercise says that 1 lb. of muscle burns 7-10 calories per day while 1 lb. of fat burns only 2-3 calories a day, you miss out on the extra caloric burn when have you less muscle on your body.

#3. Sleep debt = stress = lower belly fat

When you don’t sleep enough, you are automatically putting your body in a state of stress. And when you’re stressed, your body will release a hormone called cortisol, which has been linked to the accumulation of excess abdominal fat in the lower belly as proven by a study done at Yale University.

As you can see, the links between sleep and the way your body functions are clear. So now the question is…how can you get more sleep in this fast-paced world of nonstop email and social media? Well, make sleep a priority! The same way you schedule in your workouts and take the time to cook your healthy meals, put some energy into preparing for bed. 

If you’re looking for ways to wind down naturally, here are 6 things that could help you!

#1. Try ZzzQuil PURE Zzzs Melatonin Gummies!

If my mind is racing and I can’t get myself to go bed for an important early call time the next day, these are my go-to so I can make sure I fall asleep naturally and wake up feeling READY! ZzzQuil recently came out with these super yummy, vegan, vegetarian, and drug free, melatonin gummies that can help you fall asleep naturally and wake refreshed*!  The Wildberry Vanilla flavor is delish. Plus it is gluten free!

#2. Put your phone away from your bed!

This one is obvious. It’s distracting. It’s bright. It keeps you up. Put it away and allow your eyes and your mind to wind down.

#3. Calm yourself with Vicks PURE Zzzs Soothing Aromatherapy Balm.

A great add to your nighttime routine that is made with a blend of essential oils, you can massage this on your chest, neck and back at night. The soothing lavender and chamomile scents make me instantly feel like I am at a spa which relaxes me right away. Plus it moisturizes and makes your skin feel super soft!

#4. Read a book.

But like, on actual paper! The light from my phone often makes it hard to fall asleep at night. Reading a book is calming and puts my mind at ease. Plus it’s nice to squeeze in a little night time knowledge!

#5. Dim the lights and stretch!

Really, get away from the bright lights! Maybe just light some candles or dim the lights in your bedroom if you can. Create a safe space for you to be calm. You need to prepare for bed like you prepare for anything else. Sometimes light stretching on your bed can calm your tight muscles after a long day. You’ll be so ready to lie down and rest!

#6. Try ZzzQuil for jetlag.

On the occasional night when I cannot get to bed (the crazy jetlag type of nights) I take ZzzQuil instead of the ZzzQuil PURE Zzzs Melatonin Gummies since it helps me fall asleep fast in as little as 20 minutes! When I’m traveling, I don’t have time or energy to waste on readjusting to time zones. Because I have to be up early, ready to teach hundreds – sometimes even thousands of students for a big class – my sleep is always a constant priority!

I hope this article brings some light into your search for answers! If you’re at a plateau, I think the coolest thing is that I’m not telling you that you have to do something crazy strenuous to see a change. All I am saying is to give sleeping a try :) I don’t think most of us could complain about that right!?

Big thank you to ZzzQuil for sponsoring this blog post!


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The Perfect Bridal Booty Workout!

Hey guys!

As we continue on our Bridal Bootcamp, we are now heading into a muscle group that a lot of people (not just brides) have been asking for. BOOTY!

If you’re planning on wearing a mermaid, trumpet or fitted wedding gown, then you’ve probably been thinking of how to shape up your backside! Here are 10 moves that’ll lift your butt. And guess what? They all require ZERO EQUIPMENT! You can do this right now, wherever you are, with no gym membership necessary. Ready?

Do each of these moves for 1 minute each with no breaks. It will give you a solid, booty burning 10 minute workout!

#1. Kneeling Attitude Lines (R) x 1 Min

Notes: Not only does this work your butt, it also works your hamstrings and your obliques! A triple whammy!

#2. Kneeling Attitude Lifts (L) x 1 min

Notes: Same position as the first move, but now we just pulse up. Try not to go lower than hip height!

#3. Mermail Front Pulses (R) x 1 min

Notes: Point your toes and lift hip height and HIGHER.

#4. Kneeling Attitude Lines (L) x 1 min

Notes: Now we repeat on the other side! Press your leg straight!

#5.Kneeling Attitude Lifts (L) x 1 min

Notes: Squeeze your butt as you do these!

#6. Mermail Front Pulses (L) x 1 min

Notes: Keep your top leg directly in front of you!

#7. Bridge Tweezers x 1 min

Notes: Heels up to work the calves as you lift! Notice that when you lift, you will also squeeze your knees inward for a “tweeze”.

#8. Single Legged Bridge Pulse (R) x 1 min

Notes: Squeeze your quad to keep your leg straight!

#9.Single Legged Bridge Pulse (L) x 1 min

Notes: Put all the energy into your booty!

#10. Wide Bridge Open Presses x 1 min

Notes: May look awkward but boy does this one work those inner and outer thighs too.

If you feel like you want some company for these 10 minutes, then click on the video below and do “Bridal Booty” with me on YouTube and make sure to subscribe so that you can be the first to know about each new workout release!

Once again, big thanks my friends at Lovesome Blossoms and DJZ Productions for the INCREDIBLE floral display and draping you see in the backdrop!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Unhealthy Relationships: the kinds you can’t get out of

Hey guys,

I’m on a flight to the East Coast right now and I’m not feeling good. Lately, a lot of things have been bothering me. Most of them – well, maybe all of them – are because of people. I spent the Uber ride silently crying and then the first part of this flight with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I’m been doing a lot of self work on my own emotions because I know that I shouldn’t let others have power over how I feel. I know that I can’t control my environment but I can control my reactions. It’s one thing to know this…but it’s a whole ‘nother thing to truly live it.

You see, I think my problem is that I have some unhealthy relationships in my life. But I stick with them because these people aren’t just strangers or acquaintances that I can easily excommunicate. Some of these people are blood related or we have some deeply rooted history. So…it’s complicated.

I am not crying because other people are making me upset. No. It’s never anyone else’s fault really. The fault is always with me. Especially if I want to give myself the power to change things up. It’s my responsibility.

So, what’s my fault? My fault is that I set expectations for people. And when they don’t meet them, I get really disappointed. In fact, it’s more than disappointment. Because these people are such a big part of my life, what actually happens is heart break. And then a slow hardening and almost blackening of my heart.

You see, I am well aware that my problem is this: I keep setting the same expectations for the same people who have never been able to meet them (or they’ve only met them on occasion). I want people to be better, to be nicer, to be more considerate, to be more respectful, to be more grateful, and to be more caring. I am not asking anyone to be someone they are not. But I am asking them to be better versions of themselves.

Is it bad of me to want that? Am I asking too much?

Maybe it’s just my personality to want to continually be a better person everyday. But I understand that that is not everyone’s goal. Maybe some people think they’re fine just where they are and that there is nothing they need to change. And you know what? I’m not anyone’s parent (except for Sir George’s) so I really have no right to tell people how they need to grow. So I get that.

I just don’t get people who aren’t open to reaching their potential. People who knowingly or unknowingly self-sabotage because it’s “comfortable.”

Maybe my problem is that I am not surrounding myself with the types of people who think, live, and love more like me. Or maybe I’m totally missing something. And if so, someone, please tell me straight to my face! I would LOVE to know what I am getting wrong here.

Sometimes you can choose the people you want to surround yourself with and sometimes you can’t – because you are born into it. That’s when things get sticky, muddy, emotional and just downright nonsensical.

Over and over again, I try to have “truth talks” where I voice how much the other person is hurting me but I am met with defense. Why am I always willing to be at fault – willing to change – willing to say that I am sorry – when others cannot simply open their minds to hear me?

I don’t know guys. I’m getting exhausted. It’s really tiring to keep compensating for people’s actions, especially when I feel like I have to be perfect for everyone else. Do you know what I mean? I get BERATED, HARASSED, and BULLIED if I do one little thing that someone didn’t like. But it’s fine. Because it has to be. I’ve taught myself how to turn my missteps into lessons. I just can’t say the same for everyone else. Maybe it’s something they should teach in school.

Anyway guys, I will continue self-work on controlling my reactions. I just don’t really know how to deal with people close to me who keep defending their hurtful actions. I am not really sure what to do.

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Monday, March 26, 2018

The Best Workout for Aries!

Happy Aries season!

I’m extra excited about the particular workout I have planned for you guys because it’s something I haven’t released in a long time! I used to do a lot of treadmill running but stopped after a while to try other forms of cardio off the machine. But trust me, treadmills are legit SHREDmills. They work. So good for burning fat, sculpting your thighs, and building your booty. Even if you’re not an Aries, I highly recommend that you try this workout out!

Your sweat horoscope:

You’re a actionable type of person with a quick and competitive personality! You’ve got a lot of energy and you like to go HARD! You love beating your PR (and the person next to you). So your perfect workout is one that pushes your limits because you LOVE breaking out of your comfort zone.

Bring this 30 minute treadmill workout with you to the gym. It has a warmup and cool down already built in, plus we’ll be working on your speed, your inner and outer thighs as well as your butt! This workout is intense but effective. Make sure to pay attention to the incline and the speed. If you need to adjust for yourself, feel free to do so!

Also, this is what the side shuffle looks like! Place your hands on one side of the rail and then shuffle your legs like this as the treadmill runs. It can kind of be “scary” at the beginning but just go slow! It’s amazing for sculpting your inner and outer thighs!

You can get this plus all my other pins on Pinterest! Hope you enjoyed the workout. What’s your sign and when’s your b-day!?

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

To Be a Machine by Mark O’Connell

Over the next few weeks, I will be shadowing the Wellcome Book Prize shortlist with fellow book bloggers Rebecca, Laura, Annabel and Paul. The £30,000 prize is awarded to a book about any aspect of health, medicine or illness and … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Best Ab Workout for Brides!

Okay or anyone else who loves flowers, pastels, and pretty things while working out :) We just launched the Blogilates Bridal Bootcamp and I could not have been happier with how everything turned out!

For a long time, you guys had been asking me about making some type of a Bridal series but I never felt comfortable doing that because well, it didn’t feel right – I wasn’t a bride yet! But FINALLY! This year Sam and I are getting married in the Fall! We have a date, a magical venue and are HARD CORE vendor interviewing right now! I thought wedding planning might get overwhelming but to be completely honest, I am enjoying it very much. I love visualizing, getting creative, making things look beautiful, and planning unique experiences so that people can have a good time! I am so on top of it that I have to send followup emails to vendors and planners to make sure they’re on top of their game. HAHAHA.

And to be clear, there is no sense of “Bridezilla-ness” here. I’m a freakin’ B.E.O. Bride Executive Officer! I know what I want and I will get it done. Add that to your vocab ladies!

Anyway! Here’s a GIF by GIF breakdown of the 10 moves in the first Bridal Bootcamp video, “Happily Ever After Abs”! It’s a 10 minute timed workout with NO BREAKS and NO EQUIPMENT. So set your timer and let’s go!


#1. Sit Up Heel Taps x 1 min

Notes: Keep your elbows wide as you crunch up! Keep your lower back on the floor as your heels go out.

#2. Alternating Single Leg Jackknives x 1 min

Notes: To modify, bend your knee and left halfway.

#3. Sprinter x 1 min

Notes: Try to touch your elbow to your knee! Make sure to alternate sides.

#4. Half Leg Lift and Drop x 1 min

Notes: Press your arms into the floor for stability. Switch sides at 30 seconds!

#5. Ballerina Sit Up x 1 min

Notes: Keep your heel lifted as your perform your sit up! Switch sides at 30 seconds.

#6. Eagle Crunch x 1 min

Notes: Try to touch your knees to your elbows.

#7. Candlestick Dipper Left x 1 min

Notes: Keep your chest facing forward! Do not look down.

#8. Candlestick Dipper Right x 1 min

Notes: Straighten the leg that you’re dipping away from and plant your foot into the mat for stability.

#9. Super Side Planker Right x 1 min

Notes: Cross your top foot over your bottom foot.

#10. Super Side Planker Right x 1 min

Notes: As you reach over your head, lift your bottom hip as high as possible!

If you feel like you want some company for these 10 minutes, then click on the video below and do “Happy Ever After Abs” with me on YouTube and make sure to subscribe so that you can be the first to know about each new workout release!

Also, big thanks my friends at Lovesome Blossoms and DJZ Productions for the INCREDIBLE floral display and draping you see in the backdrop! It smelled AMAZING while I was working out. I wish I could have bottled it up and uploaded the scent to YouTube for you click and smell. Hahaha. Anyway, check them out if you need creative designers for your wedding! They are located in Southern CA!

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday

‘Asymmetry’ by Lisa Halliday consists of two seemingly unrelated stories which are eventually revealed to have surprising connections. The first part, ‘Folly’, concerns Alice, an editorial assistant in her twenties living in post 9/11 New York City who begins a … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Man Booker International Prize Longlist 2018

The Man Booker International Prize 2018 longlist was announced yesterday. The 13 books are: The 7th Function of Language by Laurent Binet, translated by Sam Taylor The Impostor by Javier Cercas, translated by Frank Wynne Vernon Subutex 1 by Virginie … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

An honest conversation about my struggle with food guilt + Ice Cream Giveaway!

Hey guys,

I’ve been known to be a difficult food orderer. I would be that one person to order a salad at a BBQ place…or that one person to order off the Skinnylicious Menu at The Cheesecake Factory. Ha. Yes, cue the eye roll.

For so many years, I’ve deprived myself of the joys of food. Why? So that I could be thinner. Because I once thought that skinnier meant happier. But when I got to my thinnest (which was 15 lbs lighter than I am now), I was actually my UNhappiest. I hated that I STILL had a soft lower belly. I hated that I STILL couldn’t see any ab lines. I hated that my boobs weren’t bigger. I hated that my butt was so flat. Every time I looked in the mirror, I was NEVER GOOD ENOUGH.

I looked at food like it was the enemy. I hated eating. Yet…why did I have to love it so much?

Every bite I took felt like a forbidden sin—like I was cheating on someone. I was overwhelmed with guilt, even when it was just a banana! I’d immediately go to the mirror, lift up my shirt, and check how it affected my “bloat.” Sigh. I was completely broken. My body was starving and I deprived it of what it screaming for.

And what ended up happening? My body rebelled. No matter how clean I ate, I KEPT GAINING WEIGHT. My body soaked up every ounce of every calorie like a dry sponge. So, I gave up on the dieting and just ate WHATEVER. Sugary things, fried things, buttery things. Problem was…eating “whatever” also made my body feel like whatever.

It became years of torment. No matter if I ate super clean or ate super crazy, I always felt guilty. Both ways. Because I never felt whole!

Fast forward to today.

After years of pushing myself to find peace with food and peace with my body, I am so happy to tell you that eating is no longer a torturous, emotional battle. I’ve discovered a way to be healthy, to be full, to satisfy my taste buds, and to erase the guilt out of my life. How? Well, I stopped treating food like a sin or like a reward. I made food an experience. I told myself that there was no point in feeling bad for eating something. Either choose to eat it or choose not to eat it. And if I ate it, enjoy it. If I didn’t enjoy it, then I didn’t need to have it again. Guilt was an extra emotion that was unnecessary and a complete waste of energy.

So, what do I actually eat these days? Everything! I eat what I know will make my soul happy and my body happy. What that usually means is that I stick to the foods that I know will give me energy to smash my workouts, like veggies, brown rice, and my choice of protein. Homemade summer rolls or salmon with brown rice and asparagus are faves of mine. Oh yeah, and lots of Sriracha y’all. And if I’m feeling like I wanna indulge a little to feed the soul, I’ll get a matcha boba drink or perhaps a milkshake or maybe a scoop of ice cream! I try not to get too crazy though because most desserts overdose with me with sugar, which immediately makes me break out.

Luckily though, not every dessert does that. There is such a thing as a “good for you dessert.” Sometimes I like to finish off my dinner with a fizzy kombucha, some fruit, a warm matcha latte, or a scoop of Enlightened Ice Cream! Wait hold on—have you tried ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream yet!?? OMG. Cuz if not… GIVEAWAY TIME at the end of this blog post!

You guys, I first started eating ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream a few years ago and was sooooo surprised to find how high protein, lower calorie, and low sugar it was compared to other ice cream brands. The best part of course was that it was creamy, sweet, and REALLY GOOD. There wasn’t anything about it that tasted diet-y! Plus, the flavors are always so innovative and fun! Check out these new ones:

My all time fave is French Toast. Check out the ingredients. Per serving, it’s only 70 calories, has 6g of protein, and 5g of sugar! It’s so cool what chefs and food scientists can do to make eating a tasty and healthy experience.

A “regular” French Vanilla ice cream comes in at around 130 calories, 2g of protein, and 14g of sugar. That is a HUGE difference. No wonder I break out after eating regular ice cream!

You guys, I REALLY want you to try ENLIGHTENED. You can find it at your local grocery store in the frozen aisle! Here’s a coupon I found on their website!

But guess what? I’m partnering with ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream for a giveaway just for POPsters! If you wanna win a box chock full of all the flavors you see above, freshly shipped straight to you frozen…then just comment on this blog post and tell me which flavor you’d wanna try most! Is it Movie Night, Cookies & Cream, S’mores, French Toast, or Glazed Donut?

Good luck! I will announce the winner next week on the blog! This is a US-only contest. (Sorry international POPsters, I don’t think a frozen box of ice cream can make it halfway around the world still cold…plus customs would be a disaster!) 1 comment = 1 entry! You can enter as many times as you want!

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Man Booker International Prize 2018 Longlist Predictions

Although I’m not participating in the shadow panel this year, I have been thinking about possible contenders for this year’s Man Booker International Prize longlist which is due to be announced tomorrow. My predictions last year were very wide off … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Women’s Prize for Fiction Longlist 2018

The Women’s Prize for Fiction longlist has been announced today. The 16 titles are: H(A)PPY by Nicola Barker The Idiot by Elif Batuman Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon Miss Burma by Charmaine Craig Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jewish Book Week: Adam Kay and Rachel Clarke / Francesca Segal and Amanda Craig

        On Sunday, I attended two Jewish Book Week events at Kings Place in London. The first was Adam Kay and Rachel Clarke in conversation with Daniel Glaser about their experiences as NHS junior doctors and the … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Women’s Prize for Fiction 2018 Longlist Predictions

The Women’s Prize for Fiction longlist is due to be announced on Thursday 8th March and I have been thinking about which books could make the cut. My predictions last year included the eventual winner The Power by Naomi Alderman which … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 2018 Workout Calendar!

Hey guys!

HAPPY MARCH! This month I made some revisions based on what you guys suggested in the comments! So now, you’ve got a faster load on the digital calendar, a colorful printable calendar, and muscle group themes added back on every day of the week!

Thank you for always giving me feedback! It’s so important as I continue to make changes to make Blogilates a better experience for all of you guys! So please, never hesitate to give me constructive criticism. It only helps!

Click to download hi res cal!

You can access the clickable digital workout calendar by logging in here:

Alright, you ready!? NOW GO KILL IT!!!!!

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