Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award 2017: Shadow Panel Winner and a Giveaway

And the shadow panel winner is… The Lucky Ones by Julianne Pachico! The overall shortlist was very strong indeed and I enjoyed reading all of the books by five very talented writers. However, we were particularly impressed with the exceptional … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Monday, November 27, 2017

7 Healthy Tips For Managing Your Stress

Hi guys!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got some good deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday! (BTW did you take advantage of the 50% off PIIT28 Sale yet!? If not….do it, because I’ll be doing a HUGE challenge in January to celebrate the start of 2018!)

I’ve started holiday shopping but still have sooooo much to do. What about you guys? This time of year is always such a weird mix of excitement and stress. Like, I love it. But also, it’s a looooot. It’s easy to get stressed out.

So I thought today I’d let you know some of my tips for managing stress and anxiety. Because phew, just thinking about those long lines Christmas shopping has me like 😫😫😫.

1. Create a daily to-do list.

Though at first this might sound more stressful, creating a list of what you need to do (and crossing it off as you go) can help streamline your day. If you’re someone always going a mile a minute with so much to do, having a visual reminder of what needs to happen and what to dedicate your time to can really help. It also allows you to figure out what you need to focus on and what you need to let go. This Weekly Planner pad helps me visualize how my entire week will look like so I know how to tackle it!

2. Practice meditation.

A lot of people are weirded out by meditation because they don’t really understand it. I used to think that too! Like, do I just sit around and chant and empty my mind?? How do I do that?! Meditation is actually very personal so it looks different for everyone. Meditation really is just about taking time for yourself. You can do a guided meditation. There’s actually a ton of YouTube videos and apps with relaxing, guided meditations that are specifically for stress.Sam uses the Headspace app once in a while when he needs to chill out! It’s just nice to have one moment in the day to check in with your breath, your body, and relax.

3. Get your body moving.

Okay, exercise is not a cure-all. It’s not going to magically take away your anxiety or stress. But yes, it DOES help. Whether you’re going for a short walk or beasting it out in a kickboxing class, doing something active can take the edge off stress. In the iconic words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.”

4. Find someone you can talk to.

Be it a friend. Be it a family member. Be it a counselor. There is NOTHING wrong with needing a person to just listen. We are social creatures. We need to talk things out. You don’t have to do it alone.

5. Journal.

Write about your day. Write about what’s stressing you. Write about your dreams. Just write it out. Whether it’s on a blog, an email to yourself, or a pretty little journal – writing is freedom. Plus, it’s interesting to reflect back on years later and see how you’ve grown and changed!

6. Learn your triggers.

Find out the specific things that really cause your anxiety or stress to flare. This takes times and isn’t always an easy process. Journaling (mentioned above) can help! Talking to friends can help. Just be honest with yourself if you REALLY want to change your habits. Identifying your triggers is just one more tool in understanding yourself and how you work!

7. Make time to do stuff you love.

This is so important. Do things you like! Your hobbies, your passions, those things MATTER! Responsibilities will sometimes get in the way. Ya’ll, being an adult can be HARD. And balancing everything in itself is stressful. But make sure you are still nurturing your soul and what you love. It makes the hard days a little easier.

What do you do when things get extra stressful? Let’s all share our tips and tricks so we can get through this season together!

from Blogilates

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life of Steven Runciman by Minoo Dinshaw

The first non-fiction title to be shortlisted since the 2015 relaunch of the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award is ‘Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life of Steven Runciman’ by Minoo Dinshaw. Runciman was an English historian and author who … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

How to easily stay motivated during the holidays!

Hey guys!

Just like a lot of people, I sometimes struggle to stay motivated to workout and eat healthy during the holiday season. IT’S JUST SO HARD! There are so many delicious treats and big oversized sweaters to snuggle into :P Plus, when everyone has gathered around for food and laughter, sometimes the last thing you wanna do is commit to a sweat sesh. But it’s so important to keep your body moving. In fact, staying active during the holidays can make your winter memories even more fun! You’ll have more energy to do all the fun things you want!

So how do you do it? Here are a couple (easy!) things you can try to stay on track this holiday season.

1. Go for a walk.

If you’re physically able (and you’re not stuck in a blizzard or something scary like that), go for a 3o minute walk every day. Bring along family members, pets, and/ or friends! Our workouts don’t have to be crazy every time. The point is to move your body. Doesn’t need to be intense. You don’t have to be shaking. Just move your body. Think of those 30 minutes as you time.

2. Make healthy substitutions.

Okay I actually find it really fun to find a yummy recipe on Pinterest and figure out how to make it healthier. It’s like a game to me! What can I substitute? How can I keep the awesome flavor and add health benefits? You’d be surprised how many delicious recipes are out there that are good for you!

3. Have a buddy.

It is SO much better working out when you have someone with you. You have someone to talk to, someone to get through the burn with, and someone to keep you accountable. See if any of your relatives or friends want to be your workout pal for the holiday season. Maybe choose a day that works with both your schedules and have that be your day. Plus, it’s a nice way to catch up!

4. Be silly.

Dance it out! Close your door and blast your favorite song. Make it a party. Dancing is SO good for you and it doesn’t even feel like a workout. Let loose.

5. Cut yourself some slack.

Yes, it’s the holiday season and you’re probably going to indulge more than usual. THAT’S OKAY! Beating yourself up over stuff just hurts you in the long run. Move your body. Enjoy your time. And allow yourself permission to have some wiggle room. It’ll be okay. I promise.

Do you have any holiday traditions? What are you doing this year?

from Blogilates

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thank you for forgiving me.

Happy Small Business Saturday!

I’m currently at the POPFLEX warehouse making sure all your orders are getting pushed out quickly and perfectly! 📦 This is just one of the mailing carts we use to put all your orders in. The big post office trucks come at the end of the day to pick it up, then they swap it for an empty one. Decided to ask the parents to pose in one before we started filling it with packages…cuz…why not!?

It’s crazy to think that just a few years ago we were shipping out of my mom and dad’s garage – packing items over their washer and dryer. Our house was full of boxes spilling with hoodies, leggings, tanks, and planners. There was barely any place to walk. We ate dinner surrounded by towers of cardboard boxes. It definitely was a scene.

I want to personally say THANK YOU for your kindness, your support and especially your forgiveness. Growing a business is not easy and I admit that we’ve made many mistakes along the way. In this cut-throat world of retail, if my leggings don’t fit you right or your order is shipped a few days late, I could lose a customer for life. But your continuous belief in me and my products allows me to keep trying my best everyday. So thank you to everyone who is supporting this small woman-led business. 👠

Your orders this year are helping to support jobs, medical benefits and 401k for our incredible employees. 🙏  We could not do this without you. So please know that I am so so soooooo grateful for you!

Also guys, if you have not taken advantage of the 30% OFF Sale at, go do it! The sale ends on Monday! And things will not be this low for a loooooooong time. Use the code “HAPPYFRIDAY”. Comment any questions you have about sizes and or styles!

from Blogilates

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The End of the Day by Claire North

The Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award isn’t just about literary debuts – occasionally, young writers can be prolific and I am pleased that there has been some recognition on this year’s shortlist for Claire North, a pseudonym … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Holidays + Black Friday SALE

It’s time to revel in the festive season and all its tinseled glory! This means family gatherings, dinner parties, social occasions and lots of gift giving… and don’t forget receiving.

It’s a magical time of year. But with all the cheer, eggnog and mince-pie making, we often forget to take a moment for ourselves. While we fully appreciate, enjoy and embrace the holiday madness that is the silly season, it’s important to remember to rest, rejuvenate and give YOURSELF a little post-year, personal pamper! Plus, a little self-indulgence goes a long way for your personal welfare when you’re managing the in-laws who’ve come to stay, and you haven’t had a free minute to even buy a darn turkey!

So, we can’t help you whip-up an entree, but we can help you add a little holiday cheer to your underwear drawer. And let’s be honest ladies – when we confidently strut our stuff, wearing a beautiful set of undies, we can tackle that overcrowded food-fight that is the frozen section with grace!

We encourage you to make the holidays a time to celebrate love in all its glorious forms; to honor your dear friends and of course, to celebrate yourself. That’s just what this magical time of year is for!

Whichever way you choose to celebrate this winter season, let us say this: may your days always be full of love and may you take every opportunity to revel in that; sharing it with the special ones you choose!

In honor of this enchanting time of year, let us do our bit to ease the financial stress, that is currently running a close second in your list of problems after the state of that empty freezer drawer!

Here’s an exclusive offer that ends at midnight on Christmas day, but of course our Christmas wish is to ship it by 15 December to make sure Santa’s adorably sexy elves can get it to you on time. Have our sexiest collection of 6 Premium, and 6 Naughty but Nice classics for half price.

We’ve never offered a mixed collection like this before, and we are tickled to do so. We think you’ll love it!

These deliciously deluxe panties retail for $360 but for you, darlings, it’s just $180.

PLUS: Order on Black Friday and get a FREE bralette.

The post Happy Holidays + Black Friday SALE appeared first on Panty by Post.

from Panty by Post

How to deal with jealousy in friendships

Hi guys!

Let’s talk about jealousy. I hate this feeling. In a way, it’s almost worse than being sad or upset because it’s like you’re doing it to yourself and yet you can’t stop it from coming on. It’s frustrating.

But you know what? We ALL experience it. Yes, it’s annoying. Yes, it can teeter into unhealthy territory. But it IS normal. You aren’t going to completely rid yourself of jealousy. That’s like asking yourself to stop being human. Not gonna happen!

When it comes to jealousy, I think it’s important to:

A) acknowledge it exists and

B) learn how to work through it.

I’ve noticed that in friendships, jealousies can arise in such weird ways. It’s like when we see our friend hanging out with someone new and feel that sting of betrayal. Even though like OF COURSE IT’S NOT BETRAYAL! Your friend can have other friends! But jealousy isn’t very level-headed. Jealousy just reacts. Jealousy just feels.

There are also some friendships where a certain level of competition exists. It’s left unsaid, of course. No one actually admits to it. I mean, Facebook “humble brags” anyone?

When you see your high school friend get a job promotion, get engaged, buy a new house, or lose a bunch of weight – you’re supposed to feel happy for them, but somehow you feel like you’re in a competition with them to be better. Why? I don’t think we want to feel this way, we just do. So the next question is…how do we combat it?

Jealousy in itself is not necessarily a problem. It becomes a problem when it causes you to act out or when you sit and wallow in it. Try to think of jealousy like a balloon floating by. You can see it. There’s no denying it’s right there. But it’s not permanent. It’s okay to say, “Yep, it’s here right now. I’m feeling jealous.” But then allow it to continue floating on. Don’t make it your entire focus. Let it go.

Another thing you can do and…hear me out, okay? You can talk about it with your friend. Mhm. Sounds scary! But sometimes when we speak about the stuff that is bothering us, we take away some of its power. You might be surprised. If you can talk about your feelings, as irrational and ridiculous as they might be, it can help you work through them. It might even bring you closer to your friend because it’s a level of intimacy and honesty!

I have a story for you. Years ago when I was just getting my foot in the group fitness door, I was auditioning at a bunch of gyms trying to secure a job as a Pilates instructor. I remember going through my very first audition at Equinox and praying every night that I would get hired. It was my dream. They only took the best in the industry. I waited weeks for an answer. Then I found out through a short email that I had been rejected. They said I wasn’t ready.

Meanwhile, my younger sister was auditioning at another top level gym and found out that she got the job. I cannot tell you HOW MUCH I HATED feeling jealous of her. How come I couldn’t be happy for my sister? I love her so much, would never want her to not achieve her dreams, yet – I couldn’t genuinely be proud of her.

You see, this story shows that jealously comes from a place of feeling less than. And you know what? “Less than” is simply a state of mind. I didn’t not feel whole, so I could not give from my empty heart.

So how did I fix my state of mind? I talked it out. I talked to Sam and he set me straight. He told me I sounded silly and that if I didn’t want to feel jealous I should work harder and ace the Equinox audition next year. So that’s exactly what I did. When I started to focus my energy on getting better, my emptiness filled with hope and happiness. And then, I was no longer jealous of my little sister. I now had a full heart to pour genuine love from.

And guess what, I also ended up telling her I was jealous of her and we laughed it out. She thought it was the most ridiculous yet flattering thing. See – talking helps. It’s healing. You just gotta be truthful.

Look, jealousy is exhausting. But know that it IS normal. The trick is not letting it consume us. We need to acknowledge it and quickly get over it!

How do you deal with jealousy? Have you had any friendships where jealousy was a big issue?


from Blogilates

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Lauras by Sara Taylor

Following her debut ‘The Shore’ which was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award in 2015, Sara Taylor has been nominated again for the same prize with her second novel ‘The Lauras’. I read it several … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Friday, November 17, 2017

My Fave 2017 Gifts For All My Girlfriends (All Under $50)

Hey guys!

I can’t believe it’s the holiday season. Like, WHAT??? There are Christmas trees, twinkly lights and candy canes up everywhere! I. LOVE. IT.

As we embark upon the gift giving season, I wanted to put together a 2017 gift guide of my favorite things to share with you guys. These are things I’ve actually purchased as presents for my loved ones, things people have given me, or just items I found online that I think are honestly really cool. I also want you to know that none of these brands have sponsored me in this post, so these are real deal products that I just genuinely like!

All of these gift ideas are things that I think your girlfriends would love! They are all under $50, but as I know we’re all always on a budget, I’ve got price category breakdowns for items starting at under $15! Ok read through and let me know which one you like best!


1. LUSH bath bombs

Sometimes after a stressful day all you want to do is unwind with a luxurious bath. And that’s when these LUSH bath bombs come in handy! They are so fun and colorful, they basically turn your bath into an art project. OH AND the best part, they’re totally cruelty free and 100% vegetarian. Totally recommend.

Price: $7.95

2. compliment pencils 

These pencils are so cute, I cannot. We all need some affirmations from time to time. Why not let your pencil be your lil’ positive buddy?

Price: $10

3. FaceTory face masks 

I love face masks. Seriously. LOVE face masks. These FaceTory masks are awesome because you can buy a set of masks or sign up a friend to receive a monthly subscription. Face masks are definitely a big part of my skin care routine. They can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils and help improve the overall appearance of your pores.

Price $5.95 a month

4. EcoTools 6 Piece Starter Set

Love this brush combo! It includes tools for powder/blush, concealer, full shadow, spoolie, angled liner and even a cosmetic bag! It makes applying make up so much easier and smooth. You’ll look truly flawless. *cue Beyoncé*

Price: $7.85

5. Hooded travel pillow

I travel often and having the right accessories really helps make the process so much better. This cute pink travel pillow has an attached French terry hood so you can cover your eyes and fall asleep…in style!

Price: $12.90

6. Poop emoji baking tray

Get creative in the kitchen with this emoji baking tray! It’s sure to have people laughing (and maybe wondering if they want to actually eat that brownie…).

Price: $12.99

7. Meal Prep Pad

Half the battle with eating healthy is scheduling things out. Meal prepping is the key in saving money and staying on track. With this pad, you can plan out what meals you’re going to have throughout the week on the left and then use the easy-to-tear perforated grocery check list on the right when you’re headed to the grocery store.

Price: $12.50


1. Mini waffle maker

Waffles are already delicious…but when they’re mini, omg, they’re so much better. Great dorm gift!

Price: $18.00

2. Winky eye slippers

Slippers always make a great gift. Plus, these come in millennial pink!

Price: $18

3. Honey pot

How cute is this honey pot?! It reminds me of a hipster version of Winnie the Pooh. It’s such a cute statement piece for any kitchen.

Price: $20

4. Casetify card holder

This cute iridescent card pocket is perfect to hold your credit cards and ID. That means you don’t need to bring an entire purse to every outing! Just bring your phone – it attaches right to the back!

Price: $19.95

5. Passport and luggage tag set

Ok to be completely honest, I HAD to include this one because finding a decently priced thing at Anthropologie aint easy! So I think this is a steal! Perfect gift for the traveler friend.

Price: $24

6. Plush Panda Robe

Pandas are cute but you’re even cuter, tbh. This robe is so cozy and perfect for those lazy Sundays when you just want to hang around and be comfy.

Price: $24.90


1. 2018 Fit Planner

Yes, we’re biased because this is our brand new baby, the 2018 Fit Planner. You get a water tracker, food tracker, sleep tracker, habit tracker, workout planner and to-do lists galore! Plus, rose gold. I mean, c’mon.

Price: $36

2. Fine Tip Colorful Pens for journaling

These 24 pens are beautiful, and even come in neon colors! I like using these for my planner and color coding what I have to do!

Price: $29.95

3. Cinema Lightbox

This is the perfect way to brighten a room. Like, literally. Includes 100 letters, numbers and characters so you can make a new funny or inspiring message every day!

Price: $39.99

4. Capri Blue Iridescent Jar Candle

This is literally my favorite smelling candle ever. It smells like tropical passion. It’s in my office right now and it’s LIT :P

Price: $30

5. Hot Tools curling iron in rainbow gold

I LOVE this curling iron. It’s one of the only ones that keeps my curls in tact. I have the gold version, but then…I saw the rainbow gold version…and now I am in a dilemma. 

Price: $44.97

7. Yonanas Frozen Healthy Dessert Maker

This is amazing because it turns frozen fruit into dessert. You know how I always tell everyone to make Nice Cream (banana ice cream) but so many people don’t have a food processor? Well here ya go! An all in one machine! Perfect for satisfying that sweet tooth on the 28 Day Reset!

Price: $48.99

8. GlamGlow Gravitymud Firming Treatment Mask

You know what’s the coolest thing about this mask? As it dries on your face, it leaves it looking like a glistening pearl. Then…you get to peel it off real slow (so satisfying) and see all the impurities it lifted off your face.

Price: $43.86

Well, that ya go! I hope you guys enjoyed this gift guide! Let me know if you want another one! I had so much fun putting this together for you!


from Blogilates

Monday, November 13, 2017

You’re going to fall sometimes. But you can always get back up.

Hi guys!!

So the other day, I was having dinner at a restaurant and saw the cutest little boy walking by with his mom! He was holding a huge iPad in his tiny hands and looking down at some game, totally distracted. He was doing all fine until the pathway turned into a mini set of stairs…and then before anyone could do anything, the poor lil thing face planted to the ground. At first it was pure silence. Then, the type of hysterical cry that makes your heart clench.

His mom immediately picked him up and comforted him. He was upset, of course. But after a few sniffles, he started smiling again. He was fine! And they kept on walking.

You’ve totally see this happen before, right? You know, there’s some little kid running around a playground and, out of nowhere, the kid just falls. And, oh boy, they fall HARD! There’s usually tears and maybe a bandaid necessary.

For a moment, the world came crashing down for that child. It was embarrassing and scary. And it hurt! They might need a little consoling. A hug. Someone saying, “You’re okay!”

But do you notice how quickly they bounce back? The tears dry up. The bandaid is applied. 10 minutes later, that kid is laughing and playing again.

This ability doesn’t go away just because we grow up. We’re still capable of getting back up after we fall. It’s just that, as adults, we feel shame, pity, embarrassment and we worry about what others think of us. So, we need to stop that. We need to brush it off and start again. It really begins with our mental strength to recover.

Our falls aren’t always physical. They can be emotional. Maybe you were broken up with. Maybe you lost an opportunity you REALLY wanted. Maybe you messed up. You failed somehow. You fall down. I’m not gonna lie, it’s a terrible feeling. But you can bounce back! You are never stuck at that low place. I promise, even if that’s how it seems. Feelings are TEMPORARY!

Sometimes our hardest falls actually push us to a place we never could have dreamed! It’s life. It’s balance.

Whenever I fall in different aspects of my life, I am going to remember that little boy and how he brushed it off. I’m going to stop feeling sorry for myself and instead smile, look for solutions and get on with it! I’m going to remember how he was brave. And how he didn’t let one bad experience ruin the rest of the day. We can keep going!

Let’s remind each other of that sometimes, okay? We can do this. We might fall, but we’re just going to get back up!

Did you ever have an experience like a “fall” that actually lead you to a better place? Would love to hear your stories!

from Blogilates

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Lucky Ones by Julianne Pachico

‘The Lucky Ones’ by Julianne Pachico is described as a novel by its US publishers whereas it has been billed as a collection of interlinked short stories in the UK where it has recently been shortlisted for this year’s Sunday … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

When does competition become unhealthy?

Hey guys,

Let’s talk about competition! In honor of today’s topic, I would like to share a photo of me wrestling both of The Bella Twins :P (I have a collab coming up next week with Nikki and Brie that I think you will really enjoy!)

I know I’ve said I don’t like competition a bunch of times. But I think you deserve to know why it’s not for me, but how it can be good for other people.

Okay, first off, competition is not meant to be a bad thing. It has so many benefits. It pushes us to try harder, to be better, and to always strive for the next level. Those are good things! Competition is a great source of inspiration. It’s why musicians have “influences”. It’s why athletes like training with people who are “more skilled” than they are. It breeds growth and excitement.

If you attend a group fitness class, you might find yourself pushing more than you would if you were working out in your living room. It’s not that you’re in competition with the other people in class. It should always be a supportive, encouraging environment! But naturally, you’re going to go a little harder. You’re going to give it something extra, you know?

These are all the positive aspects to competition! We grow. We challenge ourselves. We become better versions of ourselves. We learn new skills. We reach higher places.

But when does competition become a problem? When does it transform from something motivational to something unhealthy?

Competition should be a motivating factor, but not something that consumes your entire life. Because honestly, you’re never going to be perfect. And someone is always going to be better than you at something. That’s not something to obsess over! That’s not something to ruin your self-esteem and self-image over. That’s just a fact. And it’s okay.

Your self-worth is not determined by what someone else is doing. It is not determined by how you stack up to the people you see on social media, your friends, your family.

Competition can plant these toxic seeds in us. We compare ourselves to everyone else. We want to be the best. We want to be the best one. But guess what? The only person you are ever REALLY competing with is YOURSELF. That’s it! And the cool thing about that is it’s not a race you have to win in a certain amount of time. It’s lifelong. And you get to decide the pace. You get to make the final call.

I still have moments when I need to check in with myself and make sure I’m competing WITH ME and only me. And real talk, it can be sooooo hard sometimes. But it’s always better for my mental health when I remember I am not competing with the other people I see. Just me.

How about you guys? Are you competitive? Has competition ever negatively affected you? Share your stories!

from Blogilates

The 2018 Fit Planner is finally here!!!

Omg! The 2018 Fit Planner is FINALLY here! You guys, the Blogifam has been working so hard on it for so long that it feels surreal to finally share it.

We’ve been designing Fit Planners for 5 years now! Can you believe it? And I love that every year I can say that the newest one is the best one! Truly! We really listened to your comments on the last planner (all the things you liked and the stuff you didn’t) and took it all to heart.

We basically designed this with you guys – you just didn’t know it was happening. 😉 So here are my 5 favorite things about the newest 2018 Fit Planner!


I am obsessed. Rose gold is pretty much the hottest thing right now and I am so happy that I’ll get to plan in style next year! Currently hair is rose gold and so is my ring :)


Having a seamless, organized, and efficient schedule has a lot to do with being able to visually see what’s on your plate. So that’s why the week view was necessary in this year’s planner. Plus…there’s a little section under the date called “BODY FOCUS” where you can write down what muscle groups you would like to focus on that day!


For me, my water, my meals, my sleep and my workouts are just as important as my work! So I love seeing my day in one place, in one compact column. This year we gave you guys even more room for workouts!


One thing I really wanted to make time for in the 2018 Fit Planner was journaling. So that’s why at the end of every month, you will see full page recaps with generous space for reflection. This will help you build your personal intuitiveness.


I don’t know if I need to say much about this! I mean, it’s cute, it’s rose gold, and it’s matching! It’s also made of thick luxurious greeting card paper! My fave part is that when you flip the page, there’s a quote on the back! This means that when the month is done, you can cut off the page and stick it to your wall to keep the inspo going on throughout the year and forever more!

Personally, I am so much more productive and happy when I can write out EVERYTHING I need to do. I schedule my workouts – what time and what Im doing. I plan out my meals for the week. I write down my short-term goals, the things I want to accomplish that week, month, etc. Our lives are so busy that it’s beyond easy to forget something. I’m guilty of it! But when I list it all out, it’s right there for me to remember and cross off my to-do list.

But honestly, it’s about so much more than JUST listing out what you need to do. We wanted this to feel personal, to be YOUR journal. We have things like a “self-compliment” box where you say something kind to yourself. We have monthly mantras and dedicated space to plan out any adventures you wanna take.

Because really a fit planner isn’t just about physical fitness. It’s about mental fitness and emotional fitness too. It’s YOU. All of you. Every month, you can reflect on what you liked and what you didn’t. You can look at your habits and the goals you set. This planner is almost like having a BFF keep you on track.

Oh, aaand it’s Blogidoggy approved. She gave it two paws up!!

Truly cannot WAIT to what you guys think! Did you guys get one yet!?


from Blogilates