Friday, October 13, 2017

Women, We Need To Support Other Women, Now

Hey guys!

Halloween is quickly approaching! I am SO excited! Do you know what you’re going to wear yet?!

Here at Blogilates HQ, we’ve been releasing superhero themed workouts this whole month of October to keep you guys interested and inspired. Just getting into the Halloween vibe early, you know?? I mean, Halloween can last a whole month…right?

Most recently, the girls from Blogifam dressed up as the Sailor Scouts and we filmed a super fun Sailor Moon themed video.


It’s moments like those when I really feel grateful to be supported (and to support) so many wonderful women. We all worked together and brainstormed and laughed a ton.

And this brings me to another really important topic.

We need to support the women in our life. We need to champion their success and root for them.

And maybe most importantly, we have stop the girl-on-girl hate. Right now.

I see it all the time and it always breaks my heart. We have to STOP picking each other apart. We have to stop being so judgmental (both online and IRL). Bringing another woman down does not catapult you to the top. Criticizing another woman won’t make you love yourself more. It never makes a situation better. It just breeds hurt. And there’s no room for that in this world. 

Look at women as your sisters, not your competitors. They are your allies in this world. I am SO grateful for the women in my life and all the strength and compassion they share with me on a daily basis. Women are amazing! And the connections we create with each other are so powerful and NECESSARY! There’s a shared understanding. Women have 100% been fundamental in my growth as a person and an entrepreneur.

When another women does well, CHEER for her! Be excited! The more doors we open, the more doors are open for others to walk through as well. Don’t waste your energy on being jealous. Don’t waste time being bitter. It NEVER make things better. And it’s NEVER productive.

I love seeing a woman succeed in business, in her relationships, on YouTube, wherever! It brings me joy because we’re all a team. I know not everyone sees it that way, but I choose to. I choose to be over-the-moon-omgsh-THRILLED when a woman I know does well.

We, as women, have to lift other women up. We have to be the positive change we want to see.

THANKFUL to have all of you in this journey with me!

What’s something you did lately that made you proud? What’s a success you’ve had! Share them below so we can all celebrate each other!

from Blogilates

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