Tuesday, September 12, 2017

OMG! We Finally Went To The Museum Of Ice Cream!!


Omg, it FINALLY happened! Blogifam went to the Museum Of Ice Cream!!!

Okay, so if you’re not familiar, the Museum Of Ice Cream located in Downtown LA is basically an entire museum designed to be the PERFECT place to take photos.  I’d seen it all over Instagram and wanted to go SO BADLY! Like, can you even imagine? A whole museum dedicated to ice cream! And Instagram. PLEASE TAKE ME THERE!

So, we signed up for tickets! I thought maybe there’d be a couple weeks wait. No biggie! Patience is a virtue. Ha, I was so naive. It was MONTHSSSS. This place is seriously popular. When we finally got the call that we had spots reserved, it felt like Christmas morning. I might have even screamed a little. Wow, I literally did scream for ice cream. 

We were able to take the whole Blogifam team, which was amazing and almost like being a kid again and taking a field trip with your class. Company bonding over free ice cream samples and shameless selfies?? Yes please!

Also, I was dying because after I posted the above photo, some of you thought I was announcing that…I am pregnant?! I guess it was THIS caption that started that lil rumor…

And then you guys were like…

Oh man, I shouldn’t have used the baby emoji. What I MEANT was that we had a new BLOGIFAM member joining us! Haha and here she is!

Yes, our family grew bigger, but that’s because Brittney, an awesome graphic designer, just joined the team literally 2 days ago! Lesson learned. I will be careful using 👶 in the future!

Anyway, let’s rewind a bit and talk about the Museum Of Ice Cream because it was EVERYTHING. The first “official” room was PURELY PINK with retro rotary phones lining the walls. Some of them contain secret messages. So obviously we had to orchestrate a Girl Group photo. Couldn’t this be the cover for our first hit single? Maybe one day…

Then we went into a Hollywood themed room with funny walk of fame stars on the floor. Like how my toes match the star?

After that you get taken to the Banana Swings. This one was very popular and had a line for it! So when we got there we did Boomerangs, pics – I mean, the whole shebang.

After that, they shower you with EVEN MORE bananas. This naturally put me in the mood to do the banana…splits!

There was the Mint room, which had a 1950s vibe to it. We brought our Infinite Ice Bottle (which is also Mint) and snuck some product shots because like, how could we not? A room head-to-toe in mint! It felt like it was made for us ;)

The most immersive and unusual part was the Sprinkle Pool. It was literally a pool filled with sprinkles! But, not real ones. Plastic ones.

The Sprinkle Pool is one of the most recognizable exhibits in the whole museum. You have to remove your shoes and belongings and stick them in lockers before getting into the pool. It almost feels like a community spa?! It was hilarious. And it’s not as private as we thought. You’re just like, oh hello strangers, let’s chill in a pool of sprinkles together! Yet, it’s one of the most oddly liberating things you will ever experience in your life.

But! Be warned that the time you get to play in the pool is actually restricted to around 5 minutes. And when it’s over, the person who mans the pool literally counts down from 5 to 1 and everyone sadly stares at her and then reluctantly (but peacefully) leaves. We snuck this shot in the countdown!

One of our Blogifam members, Ari, got fully emerged in the sprinkles and almost instantly regretted it. Why, you ask? Sprinkles. In. The. Underwear. Actually all of us were shedding sprinkles the rest of the day. In the parking lot. In the car. In the office. In the bathroom.

What I loved most about the day was how much fun we all had together. We laughed. We posed for sooooo many photos. We got to know each other even better. We got sprinkles in places sprinkles shouldn’t be. It was one of those experiences that cements you as family, you know?

Grateful to have the Blogifam to share these crazy, silly, amazing experiences with!


Would you be interested in going to a museum designed to simply take IG photos? Fun? Or shamelessly narcissistic!??

from Blogilates http://ift.tt/2h2sAzn

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