Monday, August 28, 2017

I Can’t Stop Thinking About Pink’s Brilliant VMA Speech

Hey guys!

Did you watch the VMAs on Sunday? There were tons of awesome moments (like Taylor Swift’s new music video – OMG – I’ll have to get to that another time), but one thing in particular really resonated with me.

After being honored with this year’s Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, P!nk gave an emotional speech that she dedicated to her six-year-old daughter, Willow. If you haven’t seen it, you need to stop what you’re doing and watch it RIGHT NOW. I made it easy for you and embedded the YouTube video above :)

In the speech, P!nk recalls her young daughter telling her that she thinks of herself as ugly. When P!nk asks why she thinks that, she says, “I look like a boy with long hair.”

Ugh, that’s so devastating to hear. But leave it to a powerwoman like P!nk to turn this into a necessary teaching moment. Mama P!nk explains that she’s been called very similar things. “They say that I look like a boy, or I am too masculine, too many opinions, my body is too strong.” But she refuses to change herself. And guess what?

That is EXACTLY WHY she’s a rockstar.

She ends with, “So, baby girl, we don’t change. We take the gravel in the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so that they can see more kinds of beauty.”

This message is so empowering and important to hear, not only for children, but for us as adults too! I think it’s easy to get stuck in one way of thinking. We compare ourselves to what we see on TV, on magazines, on Instagram. We continue to get down on ourselves when we put our everyday lives up against other people’s most glamorous versions. Remember that – VERSIONS. 

What P!nk did for her daughter was something I wish we did for all girls. And all boys. And all people who feel as if they don’t fit in for whatever reason. No one should have to be made fun of or feel bad for the way they look.

I know exactly what that feels like. And even to THIS DAY, I still can recall how painful it was when the other kids made fun of my weight in school. Though my weight had NOTHING to do with what I’d built inside, somehow being called fat made me lose all my confidence.

Everyone reading this post right now – let’s make a vow to teach children and adults that they are SO MUCH MORE than how they look. Compliment someone today. Make someone smile. We need more positivity. Know that you have the POWER to create it.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful words, P!nk. I took them to heart. I am so happy your speech is going viral today. 

Did you watch her speech? What did you guys think?

from Blogilates

Literary Attractions and Bookshops in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a UNESCO City of Literature (the very first in the world to receive the accolade in 2004) and in between going to events at the Edinburgh International Book Festival last week, I visited a few of the literary … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Edinburgh Book Festival: I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O’Farrell

The last event I attended at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on Monday was Maggie O’Farrell in conversation with Hannah Beckerman. The discussion during the first half focused on her latest novel This Must Be The Place which I read … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Is Being Called Thick A Compliment or…?

Hey guys,

I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve noticed a specific word being mentioned in social media comments. I’m talking about the word thick. Seriously, just scroll through any feed of any Kardashian and you’ll see hundreds of people saying the same thing. “She’s looking so thick!” 

A while back, this photo of Rihanna surfaced on Reddit and people went nuts:

Nuts in the sense that people rejoiced over her weight gain, called her “Queen”, “still hot”,  and even gave her the name “Thickanna.”

Then it was Hilary Duff’s turn!

People Are Freaking About These Photos Of Hilary Duff Because She Looks Thick” and “People Have Just Realised Hilary Duff Is Thick And, Honey, They’re Living“.

Twitter was on fire with people commenting on both their figures. Each woman is OBVIOUSLY gorgeous. And the attention was meant to be complimentary. But still…it got me thinking.

The term “thick” typically brings to mind a specific body type. You think of voluptuous curves. You think of big breasts. Large hips. You might also think tiny waist giving a prominent hourglass figure. Yes, that describes a beautiful body. But that’s not the only kind of beautiful body! And it’s not a body type everyone has or can naturally attain. From what I can tell, “thick” in this sense is used as a compliment. It definitely doesn’t have the negative tone of being called “fat”. But still…why are we so obsessed with labeling bodies?

Personally, I want to be told I’m strong. Or healthy. Or a kind person. I want to be inspiring. I want to be powerful. I want to actively work towards always being the best person I can be. I don’t like judgements on bodies. It just feels vain – even if it’s “oh looks like you lost weight”. I am so much more than my body.

But, at the end of the day, words are just words. We’re the ones who give them meaning. But those meanings can and do hurt. What you intend as a compliment might be taken a completely different way. Fat, thick, skinny, tiny, round, flat – please remember these are all superficial labels that really tell you nothing about a person. None of those things define you. They don’t speak to your character or abilities or any of the wonderful things that make you uniquely you. 

How do you guys feel about the term “thick”? Is there a specific word you find empowering? Or do you prefer not having any comments based on your body? 

from Blogilates

Thursday, August 24, 2017

So ummm…this happened!!!

So if you’ve been following me on Instagram, I kinda just announced the biggest thing that has ever happened to me. Guys! I got engaged on Kauai to the love of my life! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I AM A FIANCÉ NOW!

You’re probably thinking, “Wait whaaaa….you…were…in a relationship?” It’s okay. I meant to keep it private. It took everyone by surprise…like everyone…even COSMO!??!?!?!?

Before I get into the romantic proposal story, I just have to say that when Sam and I were Ubering home from LAX, we got a notification for this article, and when we opened it up – we just about DIED laughing.

First, at the fact that we were important enough for Cosmo to write an article about, and then secondly – I mean THAT HEADLINE. It is golden. Just golden. The Uber driver probably thought we were lunatics. We were CRYING. DYING. We couldn’t breathe.

Sam and I got engaged on August 16, 2017 in Kauai and I kept it a secret from you guys until the 22nd. Sam chose the 16th because it is my favorite number. And now, as I am writing this, I just realized that we announced ourselves publicly as a couple on the 22nd…which is Sam’s favorite number!

Though I never officially shared Sam with you guys, if you look carefully, he’s actually been in quite a few on my YouTube videos! POP Songs in Real Life and Train Like a Beast, Look Like  Beauty Workout just to name a couple. We kept our relationship private because as a “public figure”, there are just some things you need to save for yourself. To me, love is very precious, and I did not want to put our relationship or Sam in a place of constant judgement. We needed to purely and genuinely develop our relationship without the pressure of followers, likes, and comments etc.

I actually had trouble writing the engagement announcement caption because in a way, I almost felt like I had been hiding a secret from you guys. I didn’t want you to be mad because you guys pretty much know EVERYTHING about me – except for my dating life. It took me an hour to write the IG caption and when I posted it, my heart was racing. Was my biggest moment going to be ruined by people being upset that I was hiding something from them?

Thank you Nicole for saying that. It made me feel a lot less anxious! And not that this matters AT ALL, but our engagement announcement is the highest liked thing in the entire history of the entire Blogilates Instagram!

I think the highest liked post I’ve ever had like before this was around 64k. I got into the mid-50s with Taylor Swift. But this? THIS comes to show that people really love LOVE. Sam and I are so happy that you guys are celebrating with us. THANK YOU. I cannot wait to share more stories about our relationship and things we’ve learned over the years. We’ve been together since college and he knows me better than any person in the world, including myself.

So for those of you who have not read it yet, here is original engagement announcement:

I’ve been waiting a week to post this because I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys. Most of you probably didn’t even know I was in a relationship because I’ve been very private about my life offline. But now, there are no more secrets.

He knew me and loved me before Blogilates ever existed. We dreamt together, built together, failed together, lost hope together, and found what we were desperately searching for in one another…together. We’ve been through so much and I 100% would NOT be who I am today without him.

I want you to meet my biggest supporter, my best friend, the man of my dreams, the man of my reality, the only one who can make me laugh within 5 minutes of a heated argument by putting on my favorite Disney songs and forcing me to dance with him…the amazing Sam.

That evening Sam told me we needed to go take Instagram pics at this cool cliff he found. So right before golden hour, I got ready, put on my new dress, and did my hair & makeup! Once he walked me to the edge of the cliff, he bent down to get his camera and said something along the lines of “Oops, I forgot my camera.” He was probably confused because all I said was “Oh ok!” (I don’t know, the scene was too pretty to get mad!)

Then…I saw a black box. And I was like ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. 😶😱😳😬 (Because we ALWAYS discuss everything and we definitely did NOT discuss what was about to happen!)

He got on one knee and asked “Will you marry me?” And all I could say was…”Wait, is this real?”, “You’re kidding right?”, “Hold on, this isn’t fake?!”

He was like, “NO CASSEY! THIS IS REAL!!!!”

And at that moment, I started crying, he slipped on the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, he turned me around, and I saw my sister and her boyfriend snapping pics and shooting video from behind a well positioned bush.


So there it is guys. I got engaged in Kauai to the love of my life. It feels like a dream but Sam reminds me that it’s definitely real. 😉 There’s so much more I want to tell you but Instagram won’t let me write more. 💕

My baby sister Jackelyn was taking pics the entire time! Her and her boyfriend Nick (we call him Nickles) were behind a literal fir fort being all sneaky. I HAD NO IDEA. LIKE ZERO IDEA. We had to go back to the scene of the event before we left Kauai to re-enact this photo for you guys so that you could appreciate the fir fort. LOOK:

I was CRYING once I realized Sam was asking me to marry him for real! Then Jackelyn and Nickles came over to hug us and we took some selfies on a cliff. In case you’re wondering, Sam proposed to me on Punahoa Point in Kauai. It was perfect. Just PERFECT.

Ah, and the ring. Want a closeup? Okay cuz I took a closeup to show y’all! I can’t stop looking at it! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! (Also thank goodness I got my nails done the week before!)

You know what’s funny?

LITERALLY a couple weeks ago before we went on vacation I told Sam that I hate rings, don’t get me a ring, and that our love does not need to be shown off by an overvalued rock. I said take the money and let’s start another venture instead! Hahaha.

Omg he must have been DYING inside because Sam and lil sis have been working so hard CUSTOM DESIGNING this ring just for me – in secret!

I remember a few months ago Jackelyn asked me if I HAD TO pick a ring what it would look like. I was like…ok fine, well if you force me then something that doesn’t look like a traditional wedding ring! 💍 I want it to look like a rose on a vine! 🌹 She was like…what!?!?

Well baby sis and fiancé, you guys knew me better than I knew myself because I DIDN’T KNOW that I could love a ring THIS MUCH. It is so beautiful and the fact that you guys designed it for me makes it even more special. What’s a Blogilates ring if it ain’t got some pink stones and a rose gold band!?!? 💕 You guys crushed it on the design!!!

Finally…for those of you wondering…how does being a fiancé feel different from being a girlfriend? 👫 Surprisingly it feels REALLY different! I feel like I’ve unlocked a new level of adulthood and am experiencing a heightened kind of love. Its so weird and magical! ✨ Eeeeeeeeee!!!

Now onto the wedding dress search! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN.

from Blogilates

Edinburgh Book Festival: Admissions by Henry Marsh

I have spent the past few days at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and on Monday, I went to a talk by Henry Marsh about his new book ‘Admissions: A Life in Brain Surgery’. I really enjoyed reading Do No Harm: … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

‘Revolutionary Road’ by Richard Yates tells the story of Frank and April Wheeler, a married couple in their late twenties living in Connecticut on the Revolutionary Hill Estates with their two young children in 1955. Frank commutes to New York … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Three Books for Women in Translation Month

As some of you may already know, August is Women in Translation Month (founded by book blogger Meytal at Biblibio in 2014) which aims to increase readership of translated books by female authors and raise awareness of the gender imbalance … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Winner Winner

Hey guys!

It’s the night before the POP Star Party at 24 Hour Fitness! Are you guys going!?

I know it’s totes last minute, but in case you haven’t seen my IG posts, my FB posts or my newsletters…I am inviting you RIGHT NOW to come to a POP Party to experience POP Pilates live! To find the class nearest you click here.


If you come early, you will be gifted a pair of POP sunglasses! I was so excited to make these for you guys. When we initially ordered them, my priority was to have them sent to the clubs. But guess what? I don’t even have one yet!!! I haven’t even touched one! Haha. So, I’m going to do a surprise visit to someone’s class tomorrow cuz… I want one.

Anyway, I hope you go guys! Bring your friends and fam. The event is free and you don’t need a 24 Hour Fitness membership either!

Now…I know why you’re here. You want to know who won the HUGE Focus Journal Giveaway!!!

Last week, I uploaded a video to YouTube explaining my tips for getting fit in school! And at the end, I showed you guys all of my favorite stationery and organizational supplies. I had a really fun time shopping for it all, but I’m so much more happy when I get to share it with one of you guys.

We’ve all been waiting 7 long, excruciating days for this.

So, now I shall announce the winner of the Focus Journal giveaway!!!

And the winner is…Christine M.!

Congrats girl! I just left you a comment back on YouTube. Please email me and I will get your huge package sent out right away!

Yay guys!

Now if you didn’t win, don’t be sad. You can still get the Focus Journal on! There’s still some left but they’re going super quick! And if you like all the other stuff I had in the video, just visit Target and Paper Source!

Love you so much!

from Blogilates

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Purity by Jonathan Franzen

‘Purity’ by Jonathan Franzen tells the story of Pip, a college graduate in her 20s living in Oakland, California and deeply in debt who is offered the chance to take an internship with the Sunlight Project in Bolivia led by … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books