Friday, October 14, 2016

Instagram is the new beauty standard.

Hey guys,

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while, but was’t sure how to approach it, and still don’t. So I guess I’ll begin where this all started. I was on Facebook about 5 nights ago, browsing through the news and saw that the top trending thing was Kylie Jenner.

Great, another Kardashian trending AGAIN. Not a day goes by that I don’t see one of the Kardashians in some media outlet…

“Kim Turns Lingerie into Street Wear”

“Kendall Goes Braless…again!”

“Kylie’s Lips are Fall’s Hottest Trend”

I mean, yes, there is no denying that they are beautiful. Beautiful people naturally get more attention because they’re “easy on the eye.” In addition, they are super rich, have a highly watched TV show, are the most famous family in the world (I think) and epitomize EVERYTHING it means to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. It’s INTRIGUING. I admit, even I follow almost all of the sisters and I don’t even know why.

So, I don’t have a problem with any of that! But what I do have a problem with is the fact that Kylie Jenner posted this picture on Instagram and it became the #1 trending thing on Facebook:


A selfie in her underwear??? OKAYYYY. With all the important things happening in the world now – hurricanes, Syrian refugees, ISIS…even the US election…KYLIE IN HER THONG IS THE NUMBER ONE TRENDING THING!!???

Before I get deeper into this and before anyone tries to accuse me of shaming another woman, let it be heard that there is no shaming. This post is meant to be thought provoking. Some of you will find it upsetting and some of you will find it empowering. The choice is yours on how you choose to process and use this information.

So here we go.

People used to get upset over magazine covers showing only thin, beautiful models and celebrities. Then we found out “OMG they photoshop the covers!” Then this whole “body love, body positivity, body acceptance, anti-photoshop” movement started. Traditional media then started showing “thicker” models and more “real women”. The public seemed to be happier. Curvy girls were being more accepted as desired. Then Instagram came along and butts came into style. Not just bubble butts, HUGE, badonkadonk butts. I don’t know who it started with, but some of these girl-next-door “booty girls” are now considered “fitness gurus” and have close to 10 MILLION followers. Fan base? Men. Comments? Too inappropriate to post here.

As booty girls and the Kardashian’s butts just started getting bigger year after year, I started to get more mean comments on my pics saying “Why would I follow your butt workout if you don’t have one?” Well thanks, but I actually DO have a butt. This is my real butt, a strong butt, and the butt my Asian genetics gave me. A majority of Asian people do not have big butts! It’s like us having black hair. We were BORN. THIS. WAY.

I began to feel bad about the way I looked because I was afraid my credibility would suffer. To be a fitness guru, am I now supposed to have a butt at the level of these booty girls for people to believe that my program works? How am I going to do that? I’ve squatted hundreds of pounds before during my body-building phase and AT BEST my glutes were a tiny bit lifted. And now, all of sudden I’m competing with booty girls for credibility.

I began to question the authenticity of these super voluptuous women with their huge boobs, beyond human butts, and their super tiny waists. Like, I had never ever seen bodies like these EVER until these past couple years. I never wanted to believe that women would go as far as doing something unnatural just to have an “on trend” body…but my naiveness was shattered when I saw this video:

Butt implants. I didn’t even know they existed.

I saw that video probably a year ago. It made me question EVERYTHING I saw on Instagram. I used to think you could find real girls on here. I used to think Instagram would help even the playing field for all body types because you wouldn’t see photoshopped magazine covers on here. But alas, it’s even worse.

Not only are there NUMEROUS apps for altering your face and body, but IG has also PERPETUATED the okayness of plastic surgery. Which brings me back to the original Kylie Jenner pic I showed you. Real body? I think not. Her choice? Yes. How many young girls know that? A very small percentage. And that’s the scary part. You never see her working for her body. No sweaty selfies, no exercise pics. In fact the only time I saw her in a workout outfit was when she became the face of PUMA. UGH! HUGE FAIL PUMA!!!!! Because you know why? This is how Kylie Jenner tells young girls she gets her body:



Waist Trainers and Fit Tea.

Oh you mean, squishing your organs and laxatives. Thanks for the healthy fitness advice Kylie.

BTW, you do know that she get paid A TON to tell you this right? Whether she uses the products or not, she’s making $ off of you believing that she does. And guess what? After my blog post ousting the entire skinny tea industry, the CEO of a fit tea company actually wrote me a personal email asking me to remove their name off of my post. The CEO said this:

“My name is XXXXX, I’m the owner of XXXXX…I see you wrote a blog post about detox teas. I am asking that you please remove my brand name from the title tag. We are a small family run business that works extremely hard…I am working 50 plus hours week trying to support my family, so I am asking you to please remove my brand name.”


You have enough money to pay ALL the Kardashian sisters but you’re trying to play the pity card on me?

I hope you see what’s happening here. Everything that you think is authentic could very well not be. From lies in photos to lies in emails, it’s so overwhelming to have to sit here, sift through the facts, and wonder what’s real and what’s not. And now, all of a sudden, my real, worked-hard-for for body is competing against a plastic body.

The Kardashians have promoted their plastic surgeon Dr. Simon Ourian numerous times on their show and now the guy has over 1.2 MILLION followers. Check out this procedure which costs anywhere between $15k to $40k:


I would rather spend $15-$40k on eating ALL organic food, an Equinox membership, and all the fitness clothes my heart desires. But that’s me. And who am I to judge women who want to alter their bodies. It is theirs and theirs to change how they would like. My problem is that social media is now exposing plastic surgery to girls as a solution for looking better and feeling better about yourself. What if girls find plastic surgery before they find fitness? What it they begin to think that spending your money on injecting your butt is better than spending money on your education?

It worries me. A lot.

My heart is thumping hard as I write this. My chest is hot.

Some may argue that getting plastic surgery is like getting your hair dyed. Same thing. You’re changing yourself. You want to be more beautiful, so both are vain.

Yeah….except one involves a knife going in you and we don’t even know the long term effects of these foreign objects being in your body over time. Will beauty end up killing you? I don’t know. But I’m not willing to be the guinea pig.

“Stop comparing yourself Cassey! You always said that comparison is the thief of joy!”

The truth is, I’m not comparing myself to them. The followers are. And what the followers think becomes the new ideal whether I like it or not. I feel it happening. They’re telling me I need to have a big butt in order to “sell” my butt routine. And when I say sell, I mean, just watch my IG video and give it a like.

But I’ll keep being me and keep being happy with what I have because I know how trends are. They’re in then they’re out. It’s like fast fashion. Back in the 1920’s having a flat chest was in. Now, super butts are in. What’s next? Will your body be on trend? Will you alter yourself just to “fit in”?

The people used to think magazine covers were the beauty standards. Now, Instagram pics are the new beauty standard. How long will it take for people to realize that what they’re seeing on IG is not real? Maybe as long as it took us to realize that magazine covers were photoshopped.



from Blogilates

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