Monday, October 31, 2016

November Workout Calendar!

Hey guys! Happy Halloween!!!!

Look what we have here!

nemo and dory

Inspired by the Finding Dory movie we saw earlier this year, Sam and I decided to dress up as Nemo and Dory! Gender role reversal! Haha. What are you guys dressing up as today?


How are we just 2 months away from 2017!!?? I don’t even understand!

Anyway, before I give you your new calendar – I just want to let you know that the BRAND NEW Blogilates 2017 Fit Planner will most likely be released next week. OMG. It is the prettiest thing ever. We’ve been working on it since early last Spring. We decided to make the planner more of a “life planner” as well so that you can use it for everyday tasks, not just eating and working out, so I think you’ll find it VERY VERY USEFUL. Make sure to follow @popflex_active on IG to see the sneak peeks this week!

Alrighty, here is your calendar for November!!


Click to download the hi-res calendar

Let’s get it MOVING guys! Thanksgiving is 24 days away and we best prep for all that cardio we’ll be doing for Black Friday Shopping!!!


from Blogilates

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Far and Away by Andrew Solomon

‘Far & Away: Reporting from the Brink of Change, Seven Continents, Twenty-Five Years’ is Andrew Solomon’s collection of travel writing in countries undergoing huge political, social and cultural change. I really enjoyed his masterfully perceptive book Far From the Tree … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Beyond the pumpkin: the best winter squashes

Pumpkins are everywhere at this time of year: but it’s time to look beyond the jack-o’-lantern to find a tastier, more versatile squash for the veg plot

Pumpkins carved into the gurning visage of Donald Trump. Giant pumpkins strapped up and hoisted onto trucks to be transported to compete against similarly gargantuan squash. Pumpkins used as plant pots; halloween lanterns, even boats. Animals in zoos chomping on whole pumpkins. Not to mention a whole raft of food and drink products jumping on the pumpkin bandwagon (what is pumpkin spice, anyway?); only some of which actually contain any actual pumpkin.

Halloween is nearly here, and we are reaching peak pumpkin.

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from Gardening blog | The Guardian

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tug Tug! It’s Salad in a Boat!


Hey Guys!

Fall means pumpkins, spices and squash! These beauties are everywhere, and there’s so much variety between each kind. Spaghetti squash is stringy and a fun substitute for pasta, Butternut is great with curry or as soup, and Delicata can be baked, skin on and everything, to make mock-fries!

Today, though, I decided to use my Delicata as a boat/bowl for my colorful salad. Delicata, when roasted, has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor; the perfect combination of sweet and savory. It’s much less sweet than Butternut and Kabocha, which is what I wanted because of the sweet elements going into my salad. I used Asian pear and pomegranates for sweetness to off-set the spicy arugula and tangy goat cheese.

Squash really isn’t as intimidating as it looks, provided you have a sharp knife. You can pretty much just cut into them, remove the seeds and roast! It’s a more nutritious and lower-carb option than rice, pasta or potatoes, and it fills you up just as well. Plus, they just scream cozy, fall, happy, sweater-weather, hot cocoa and all the other things we love about this time of year! So if you haven’t made them a staple yet, it’s time to give it a shot!



Yield: 4 servings

Serving Size: 1/4 salad boat

Prep Time: 15 min

Cook Time: 20 min


  • 2 medium/large Delicata squash
  • Coconut oil cooking spray
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 4 cups arugula
  • 1 Asian pear (or firm pear), chopped
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1/4 cup goat cheese, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup crushed pecans


  1. Slice both squashes longways and remove seeds with a spoon. Place in a baking dish, flesh side up, and coat generously with cooking spray. Sprinkle on salt and pepper.
  2. Place in a cold oven, then set the temperature to 450°. Set timer for 18-20 minutes, and roast until insides are soft and caramelized. Remove and cool.
  3. Whisk together the vinegar, syrup and oil. Toss in a large bowl with arugula, pear and pomegranate. Fill each boat evenly with salad, and top with cheese and pecans.

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 251 | Protein: 3g | Fat: 6g | Net Carbs: 30g | Fiber: 6g


Which type of squash is your favorite? Let me know down below!

from Blogilates

True Intimacy

A guide to discussing sex and sexuality with your significant other

by: Laura Bradley

True Intimacy discussing sex and sexuality with your partnerTrue intimacy is about getting to know and understand someone deeply. Learning about who our partner is sexually is part of that.

Our past experiences around sex contribute … Read the rest

The post True Intimacy appeared first on Steadfast Counselling.

from Steadfast Counselling

How to Avoid Injuries in Your Home

While workplace safety is of high concern, it is also important to note that injuries at home are more common than injuries in the workplace, and at home injuries then lead to missed work.  Per Statistics Canada, from 2009 – 2010, only 18.3% of injuries to working-age people (age 20-64) occurred at work while 16.6% of injuries occurred doing household chores and 3.9% occurred going up or down stairs (

There are many ways that you can become injured in your own home.  When you are aware of common at home injuries, you can take steps to maintain your safety.

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Burns from Boiling Water
Cooking poses some inherent safety hazards.  However, there are simple ways to avoid burns in your kitchen.
First, always keep handles from pots and pans turned toward the back of your stove.  This will eliminate the risk of bumping into the handle and causing an accident.
Second, always use potholders.  If you try to pick up a pot of boiling water without a potholder, you could be burned by the handle as well as the water.
Third, avoid loose clothing, loose hairstyles, and jewelry when you are cooking.  These can all increase your risk of an accident.
Fourth, never allow children to use the stove without supervision.  Even the simplest tasks involving boiling water can result in burns.  Teach your children about safety, but make sure they are always supervised by an adult.

How to Avoid Injuries on the Stairs
A common way of becoming injured is falling down the stairs.  One approach to avoiding a slip and fall accident is to keep the stairway free from debris.  Never leave objects on the stairs.
Second, the stairway should be well lit.  Whether you use a traditional light or lighting strips, visibility will help you to avoid becoming injured.
Third, do not use standard rugs on the stairs.  Choose carpeting, and make sure that it is securely attached.
Fourth, keep cords out of your stairway.  It is easy to be injured while reaching for a light cord, or tripping over an extension cord on the stairs.
Fifth, avoid wearing floor-length clothing when you use the stairs.  Long dresses, robes, and even pajama bottoms can cause a fall.

Avoiding Knife Injuries
Cuts from sharp knives are common injuries.  You can avoid this type of accident by storing your knives in a safe place, never touching the blade of a knife, and not allowing distractions in your kitchen.
Knife injuries can also be caused by blades that have become dull.  When your knives are sharpened regularly, they will be less likely to cause an accident.  They will work better, too.

It is not impossible to avoid all injuries.  However, when you start with these tips, your home can be a safer place for you and your entire family.

Working Safety Solutions
#200-4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C.

from Working Safety Solutions

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What to do in the garden when the clocks go back | Lia Leendertz

Just because plant life is going into hibernation, we don’t have to give up on our little patches. Lia Leendertz offers up some great reasons to get out into the garden this month

The celebrations over the lie-in that comes with the turning back of the clocks this Sunday (at 2am, if you’re up, and in the UK) leave me cold. Blessed with children whose internal clocks obey no commands, even that one puny benefit is denied me. I wonder if gardeners feel the hour change more than most, being among the few that are still outside by choice after work anyway, many of us still making the most of the already waning daylight that is now about to be cruelly cut short by a full, brutal hour. Suddenly even that twilight gardening will be gone, and our tendency is to withdraw from the garden, pulling the curtains closed behind us.

But just because plant life is going into hibernation, we don’t have to give up on our little patches. There are other reasons to be out in the garden in winter. I am currently crowdfunding to create a reinvention of the rural almanac, a book that will detail all the movements of the sun and the moon, the tides, and the sky, and tie them in to the seasonal food, celebrations and gardening. It is based upon the idea that there is always something to celebrate outdoors and in, every month, and despite my lost-hour-based sulking there is plenty that is special about the garden in winter after dark.

Continue reading...

from Gardening blog | The Guardian

Monday, October 24, 2016

Should you workout when you’re sick?

Hey Guys!

Every year, come fall and winter, y’all always ask me…”Should I still work out when I am sick?”

There’s nothing worse than being on a great workout streak, only to be derailed by a cold or the flu. It’s hard to know what to do because your mind says “GYM” but your body says “stay in bed and binge watch ‘Unreal’ on Amazon. (Ugh so good btw, you guys should watch it! Kinda raunchy but really, really addicting! It’s about how a reality TV is actually made and all the drama that happens OFF SCREEN!)

Could it be a bad thing to work out when you’re sick? Could it make you sick for longer? Or should you try sweating it out?

Turns out, there’s a little science on this and it involves your immune response to light vs. heavy exercise, and the type of illness you have.

First off, your body will give you signals on whether or not exercise is even possible, or a good idea, when you’re sick. Obviously if you’ve got a fever, are throwing up, have diarrhea or body aches, it’s not a good idea to hit the gym or go for a run, because physically, your body is fighting an infection or virus pretty seriously. It’s also not that nice to spread those kinds of germs around a public place! Any time your body is in a weakened state, it’s best to rest, eat a bland diet and return to a strengthened state before working out; it can cause further problems if you ignore your body’s clear signals! Fortunately, people don’t come down with the flu as frequently as the common cold, so it really is okay to take the week off to let yourself fully heal since it only happens once a year, at most.

So what about the more frequent common cold? The sore throats, runny noses, coughs and congestion? It’s always best to let your body be your guide! You must learn this! YOU ARE YOUR BEST DOCTOR.

If every bone in your body is begging you to stay home, listen!!! But if you’re on the fence and just mildly uncomfortable the best advice is to get a bit of a sweat on!

Notice I said, ‘a bit.’

The amount and vigor matter, because intense workouts signal a stress response in the body. When you’re healthy, your body adapts! That’s what makes you faster, stronger and able to handle more the longer you train. When you’re sick, a strenuous workout can be a little too much for your body to handle without becoming exhausted, and making your cold even worse, or last longer.

Your immune system is what fights off colds, so stressing it out doesn’t, ‘sweat it out,’ it simply makes your body work harder to recover from both the workout and the cold. The perfect workout is something you enjoy doing that gets your heart rate up a little, but not too high. You want to feel invigorated afterwards, not totally spent!

So Pilates = good choice.

PIIT28 = not so much (until you’re feeling better).

The most recommended exercises when you have a cold are:

  1. Walking
  2. Yoga or Pilates
  3. Bike Riding or Self-Paced Cycling
  4. Light Weight, High Rep Circuit Training
  5. StairMaster (on a light setting)

Try these slow and relaxing videos if you’re at home:

None of the activities I mentioned above compromise your immune system, yet they do provide those happy-feeling endorphins, increase circulation, improve digestion, release stress and tension (which both suppress the immune system) and aid with sleep, which is something you need to speed up the recovery process. Stay light to moderate the first several days of your cold, only moving to more intense levels when you’re feeling about 90% or better.And finally…it goes without saying, but always wipe down your equipment with sanitizer, and wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading your illness to others, but also to avoid picking up another bug when you’re already compromised.

Stay well my lovelies!


from Blogilates

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Free Sample Vegan Meal Plan!

51922185 - quinoa, avocado and apple salad. perfect for the detox diet or just a healthy meal. selective focus with extreme shallow depth of field.

Hey Guys!

When I wrote the first PIIT28 meal plans along with Erin, we thought we covered all our bases in terms of macros, taste, and simplicity! It felt so good to FINALLY be done after a year of recipe testing, nutritional calculations, and ebook designing.

All was good with the regular plan, but then, we got some very direct, immediate feedback on the vegan plan. People wanted less tofu, less seitan, less tempeh, and more natural plant foods in the meals. Just because it fit in the “vegan” category, didn’t mean it was vegan in heart and soul – which is what we learned after reading through the emails from you guys. Though we were surprised, we welcomed it and wanted to understand it better!

We worked really tediously, but passionately over the past several months trying to figure out how to get you guys your protein, carbs, and fat in a proportional manner that still tasted AMAZING and FLAVORFUL. Erin deserves the credit for her constant innovation with the recipes. Her desire to make you guys happy drove her to create 150+ vegan recipes that would keep you heart and your stomach full.

Many a taste test later, I’m soooooooo proud to FINALLY announce the completely revamped PIIT28 Vegan meal plan, The 28 Day Reset – Plant Based Power!


The 28 Day Reset is a month long program that “resets” your body helps you omit specific things from your diet that may be causing your bloating, inflammation, allergies, and weight gain issues.

There’s a lot of stuff in our food that we don’t even know we’re eating!! So, the goal of the 28 Reset is to clean you from the inside out and detect what’s keeping you from looking and feeling your best.

The Reset will ask you to omit added sugar, gluten and dairy. (Don’t worry, there’s lots you CAN eat!) We focus on stabilizing your blood sugar at each meal, while eating a variety of colorful fruits, veggies and high-quality plant-based protein to fuel you through your intense PIIT28 workouts.

Check out how AMAZING Kristen @piitbridekristen looks after just 28 days!!??

piit28 before and after
“I cannot believe these photos!! Here are my befores (left) and #day28 afters (right) that I took yesterday. I lost 8 lbs and 9 inches overall! I am so unbelievably pumped right now!! You better believe I’m doing another round! I feel so much better and stronger than I did 28 days ago. In fact, just finished my #day29 workout!! I also have to give credit where it is due in my diet. I’ve been doing the #28dayreset in conjunction with piit28 and I think it has made all the difference. Yummy food, no calorie counting and amazing results! What more could I ask for?!? I even cheated a little and still got amazing results. “

I’m so so proud of Kristen!!!

Look, anyone can go on a calorie-restrictive diet and lose weight fast. It’s usually a sprint to the finish line, but the aftermath leaves you worse than where you began and can even cause metabolic damage/disruption. That’s why the 28 Day Reset is so different! You get to eat 5 times per day so you never feel hungry, and you get rid of all the junk keeping you at your current weight.

I’m going to teach you how to create meals that aren’t overloaded with carbs while offering too little protein – which is one reason people get stuck on their weight-loss journeys. When it’s a SMART vegan plan, versus one that includes processed vegan baked goods and boxed ingredients, it can take your body and your health to new heights!

If you’re thinking about going on this 28 day challenge, I say, just do it – whether it’s the Regular 28 Day Reset or the Vegan 28 Day Reset. Don’t overthink it. All you have to do is eat in a new way, and you will be AMAZED at what will happen. Remember when I said your nutrition is 80% of the way you look and feel? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you want to be 100% healthy, it’s not just the workouts, it’s the food too.

If you’ve ever wondered about being vegetarian (can have dairy, eggs, honey etc.) or vegan (no animal products at all), I think you should try it out and see how it makes you feel. Also, no one says you have to go vegan 24/7! You can start with a meatless Monday if you’re curious, and progress from there. I’m not vegan, but I choose to make, and order, vegan dishes several times throughout my week because I love it!

If you’re not sure about 28 days, fine. Here is a FREE sample meal plan (5 recipes) from The 28 Day Reset that you can try out before you fully commit :)


Meal #1 Breakfast:


Yield: 1 serving

Serving Size: 1 jar

Prep Time: 5 min

Chill Time: 8 hrs


  • 1/3 cup dry oats
  • 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Stevia to taste
  • 1 tablespoon crushed walnuts (optional)


  1. Add everything to a bowl or jar and stir well to combine. Refrigerate overnight, and serve cold (or heat, if you like).

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 245 | Protein: 9g | Fat: 12.5g | Net Carbs: 19g | Fiber: 6g


Meal #2 Lunch:


Yield: 1 serving

Serving Size: 1 wrap

Prep Time: 5 min

Cook Time: 20 min


  • 2 cups cauliflower florets
  • ¼ cup cooked quinoa
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce alternative (Bragg’s, Tamari)
  • 3 tablespoons shelled edamame
  • ¼ cup red bell pepper, sliced thin
  • 2 tablespoons shredded carrot
  • ¼ avocado, sliced thin
  • 1 sheet nori


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Remove stems from cauliflower and chop florets slightly. Place into a food processor and pulse until it resembles rice.
  2. Lay cauliflower on a nonstick baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes. Cool slightly
  3. Place into a clean towel and squeeze out all of the liquid. Add to a bowl with quinoa and soy sauce and stir together so it’s slightly sticky.
  4. Spoon quinoa mixture onto the edge of the nori. Press edamame into the “rice” and lay down slices of bell pepper, carrot and avocado. Carefully roll up and slice in half. If there’s too much filling, use a second sheet of nori and make two smaller ones. Eat them all!

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 245 | Protein: 9g | Fat: 12.5g | Net Carbs: 19g | Fiber: 6g


Meal/Snack #3:


Yield: 1 serving

Serving Size: 1 shake

Prep Time: 5 min


  • 1 3/4 cups ice
  • 1 cup unsweetened cashew, coconut or almond milk
  • 1 cup strawberries, stems removed
  • 1/4 cup raw cashews
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 packets stevia, or to taste


  1. Place everything into a high-powered blender and process until smooth. Adjust ice to reach desired consistency.

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 306 | Protein: 10g | Fat: 20g | Net Carbs: 16g | Fiber: 9g


Meal #4 Dinner:


Yield: 1 serving

Serving Size: 1 bowl

Prep Time: 10 min


  • 2 tablespoons crunchy almond butter (or peanut butter)
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1 tablespoons coconut aminos or tamari
  • 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
  • Pinch of stevia
  • 1 tablespoon water, if needed
  • 2 medium zucchini
  • ½ cup snap peas
  • ¼ cup shredded carrot or bell pepper


  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the nut butter, lime juice, coconut aminos, yeast and stevia. Add water if mixture is too thick.
  2. Spiralize the zucchini, or use a vegetable peeler to create ribbons.
  3. Toss everything together, and serve. Or, to heat, simply add to a pan over medium heat and warm through for 1-2 minutes.

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 337 | Protein: 16g | Fat: 19.5g | Net Carbs: 22g | Fiber: 11g


Meal/Snack/Dessert #5:


Yield: 1 serving

Serving Size: 1 bowl

Prep Time: 5 min


  • 3/4 cup strawberries, sliced
  • 1/2 cup blackberries
  • 1 tablespoon shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons coconut cream (chilled until firm)
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 2 teaspoons cacao nibs (optional)


  1. Add fruit to a bowl.
  2. Stir stevia into coconut cream.
  3. Spoon coconut whip onto berries and top with coconut and cacao nibs, if using, and serve.
  4. Alternatively, you can use CoCo Whip ready-made coconut whipped cream.

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 219 | Protein: 4g | Fat: 15g | Net Carbs: 12g | Fiber: 10g

UMMMMM YUMMMMMM!!!!!! I’m salivating!!!! See, it’s not all just kale salads and vegetable broth. It’s delicious, colorful, tasty food!

If you’re STILLLLL wondering whether or not you wanna try a vegan diet, then here are 10 reasons that may sway you to take the challenge.

Top 10 Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet:

  1. FIBER. Smart plant-based diets include tons of fiber from fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps your digestive system, assists with bowel movements and can reduce your risk of some types of cancer.
  2. ANTIOXIDANTS. There’s no denying a plate full of color delivers tons of cancer-fighting antioxidants to your body. Vegans and vegetarians tend to make up most of their plates with more color, which means more protection for the body’s cells.
  3. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE REDUCTION. Studies show eliminating meat and dairy reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as Type 2 diabetes and strokes.
  4. BREAST CANCER. Regions where women consume less animal products have the lowest incidence of breast cancer.
  5. GLOW. Smart vegan diets have been shown to beautify, likely due to the healthy fats from olives, avocados and nuts. As a result, skin is clearer, hair shinier, nails stronger, with less body odor and bad breath.
  6. INFLAMMATION. Dairy is a common inflammatory food, and eggs and seafood are common allergens. Omitting these from your diet can reduce inflammation and eliminate allergies (which can also help with weight loss).
  7. HORMONES & ANTIBIOTICS. It’s no secret our food supply is fed products they shouldn’t be eating in order to fatten them up, and that many animals receive antibiotics to increase their size and ward off infections. Those go into our bodies when we eat them and can disrupt our hormone balance.
  8. IMMUNE BOOST. Because of all the phytochemicals and vitamins, many vegans report they’re sick much less than when they ate an animal-based diet.
  9. REDUCED BMI. Smart plant-based diets (not the processed ones!) have a significant effect on BMI, meaning that non-meat eaters have healthier body weights. (Keep in mind, that comparison is done against the TYPICAL American diet.  It’s very possible to have a very healthy BMI if you eat a clean diet, even if it contains animal products).
  10. LONGEVITY. Reports show that vegans and vegetarian live 3+ years longer than meat-eaters.

Ok guys, are you ready to take the challenge?!! Go full force and do the PIIT28 workouts with the 28 Day Reset too if you want the best and most dramatic results:


But if you’re not sure about making the plant switch – no worries, you can always get the regular PIIT Power Pack here.

I just got back from New Zealand where I was not eating clean (let’s just say I had A LOT OF CROISSANTS and I did not regret a second of it!), so I am excited to get back on track with my diet. The Reset always does the trick! Plus, I have some very important photoshoots coming up, so I want look and feel my best too!

Let’s do this together k?


from Blogilates

Life: A User’s Manual by Georges Perec

I first came across Georges Perec’s work at university through his first novel ‘Things: A Story of the Sixties’ which was by far the most interesting book I had to read for one of my French literature modules focusing on consumerism. … Continue reading

from A Little Blog of Books

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Filmmaker Recreates The Original Gran Turismo Using RC Cars: Video

It’s hard to imagine where all the years have gone, but the truth is, we’re approaching 19 years since the first Gran Turismo video game burst into the scene back in December 1997. I don’t know about you, but nostalgia kicks in every time I remember what it was like playing the original Gran Turismo on the first Sony PlayStation. Considering how big the franchise has become, it’s no surprise that others share in my sentiment, including French filmmaker Alexandre Synger, who went over and above what you’d expect from an OG Gran Turismo fan by actually recreating specific scenes from the game, including the opening sequence, using radio-controlled cars.

The video you’ll see is an incredible depiction of the original Gran Turismo, right down to the cars – it’s the Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak! – and the open-world environment. Synger went all-out with this video, going so far as to recreate the menu screens and the car selection process using the same RC cars. Best of all, they’re all incredibly accurate!

It’s a worthwhile watch for old school fans of the original Gran Turismo video game. And once you’re done, take some time and look for some of Synger’s other works. He’s also recreated numerous chase scenes from the Fast and Furious movie franchise he even has one for the Pod Racer sequence from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It may be the worst of all the Star Wars movies, but watching Synger’s recreation of the scene is actually pretty awesome too.

from Top Speed

New Limited-Edition Watch from Omologato Pays Tribute to Porsche 917

A while back I did a piece about what I consider to be the 10 coolest motorsport-inspired watches you can buy. The list included some fine timekeepers, but it looks like I might have to update it to include Omologato’s new, limited-edition timepiece, which pays tribute to the iconic Porsche 917 race car.

Although Omologato isn’t the first company to build a 917-inspired watch — BRM’s BT-12 46 Gulf is pretty neat (and expensive) — this new release pays tribute to the what is arguably the most iconic example of the race car. Not including the Gulf-painted mock-up featured in Steve McQueen’s "Le Mans" movie, that is. Specifically, Omologato’s timepiece takes inspiration from the No. 23 Porsche Salzburg version that won the 24 Hours of Le Mans race in 1970.

This is visible in the red, while, and black color scheme based on the livery of the actual car, as well as the three small dials. The one on the left is red, the center dial is finish in red with white stripes, just like the car’s front hood, while the one on the right is white and features the famous number 23. The 22mm black Italian leather strap has Guards Red stitching, while the 43mm face comes in a matte-finished frame with chrome accents, and a "917" insignia at the bottom.

The watch is powered by a Japanese Quartz movement of which Omologato says it delivers the "desirable level of precision, reliability and accuracy that only comes with the very best watches." The 917-inspired timepiece is limited to only 200 examples and each will be sold with an ownership certificate, together with a bespoke case. Those who pre-order can choose the number of their watch. Speaking of orders, the timekeeper costs only £339, an affordable sticker given the specifications (also due to the fact that Omologato is a new brand, being established in 2015. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in January 2017.

Continue reading for the full story.

from Top Speed

Friday, October 21, 2016

Is this what LeMans Racers of 2030 Will Look Like?

The Michelin Challenge Design has been going on ever since 2002 when designers from around the world were challenged to design a car that would fit in with Italy. Since then, the challenge has focused on other locations like China, California, France, and Germany. Other years including the design of electric cars (2010) and Mobility for All (2016.) For 2017, however, Michelin and Automobile Club de I’Quest challenged entrants to design a car that would win Le Mans in the year 2030 and, as expected, the creativity of some of the designs is out of this world.

There was a total of 1,600 entries for this challenge, of which Michelin has showcased the top 20 that you see here. First place went to Tao Ni of Wuhu, China and his “Infiniti Le Mans 2030.” Second place went to Daniel Bacelar Pereira of Vila Real, Portugal, and his “Bentley 9 Plus Michelin Battery Slick. Third place goes to the Cierzo C1 that was submitted by Kurt Scanlan from Toronto, Canada. Of course, all of the designs were nothing short of amazing, but you can’t award first place to everyone.

Thom Roach, Vice President of OEM marketing for Michelin North America, said, “The winners of our 2017 Michelin Challenge Design presented numerous highly innovative features for the Le Mans race in the year 2030 and the quality of work from this year’s entries was truly outstanding. We congratulate the winners for their thought-provoking, visually captivating designs for the world’s greatest endurance race, Le Mans 24 Hours.”

The jury that was tasked with choosing the absolute best designs was comprised of some of the brightest minds in the automotive world and included people like, Damien Michelin of Michelin North America; Chris Chapman, Chief Designer for Hyundai America Technical Center; Dave Marek, Acura Global Creative Director for Honda R&D Americas; and Richard Plavetich, General Manager of Design Business for Nissan Design America; among others from BMW, GM, Ford, and PSA Peugeot Citroen.

Of the Top 20 designs, first, second, and third place will be invited to Michelins stand at the North American International Auto Show where they will be recognized and will participate in a private portfolio review. The first-place winner will also be recognized at the 2017 Le Mans 24 Hour Race.

from Top Speed

American Muscle To Give Away Track-Ready Mustang, F-150 Raptor, and Aluminum Trailer

Ford Mustang and F-150 enthusiasts likely know American Muscle. It’s a huge aftermarket parts supplier with add-on parts ranging from cosmetic bits to full crate engines ready for a project car. Well, the retailer is throwing a huge give-away with one lucky winner taking home a 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor, an 850-horsepower Mustang, and an aluminum race trailer stocked full of tools and race tires!

At the heart of the package is the highly tuned Mustang. This current-gen car has a Whipple supercharger sitting on its modified 5.0-liter Coyote V-8 that makes 850 horsepower at the crank and just over 725 horsepower at the rear wheels. It comes painted in a custom Tangerine Orange paint with a unique styling package. It rides on upgraded wheels and tires that can be swapped out for the drag slicks and skinnies found on the trailer. All told, this one-off Mustang has more than $30,000 worth of aftermarket parts bolted on.

Towing duties are given to a 2017 F-150 Raptor SuperCab. It comes untouched from the factory in Blue Flame paint with the optional Black Graphics Package. American Muscle didn’t have to do anything to the Raptor’s 3.5-liter twin-turbocharged V-6 since it makes an impressive 450 horsepower and 510 pound-feet of torque. The 35-inch-tall BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 tires and 10-spoke wheels reamain. The Raptor’s 6,000-pound towing capacity should be more than enough to pull the Mustang and aluminum trailer to the track.

Speaking of the trailer, it comes equipped with drag radials for the Mustang’s rear axle and skinnies for the front. It also has a full assortment of tools a race team might need in the pits.

This is perhaps the most comprehensive give-away package we’ve ever seen, so be sure to enter to win. You can enter weekly until November 11, 2016. The winner will be announced on November 25.

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from Top Speed

Henrik Fisker Teases New Car With Butterfly Doors

Earlier this month, Henrik Fisker announced that he was launching Fisker Incan all-new car company that will (hopefully) be more successful than the original Fisker Automotive that bankrupt years back. As part of the announcement, Fisker claimed that he was working on an all-new “luxury EV sedan” that will boast a 400-mile range and take on the Tesla Model S. There are also plans for a compact EV sedan to take on the Tesla Model 3. It’s really hard to take Fisker’s word for it considering the way his first car company failed so badly, but Fisker recently posted a teaser image on Twitter, and it looks like we should probably take the man seriously.

As is the usual case with teaser images, we can’t get the whole picture, but the car is boasting butterfly doors in the front and rear. The roof looks to slope downward fairly gently, similar to that of the new Porsche Panamera. Ahead of the front doors, there could be a small fender vent, but with the doors open and the picture shadowed it’s hard to tell – that could simply be the opening in the body for the front door. To the front, it looks like the front fascia is as dominating as the front wheel arches. There are two small wings on the fascia just ahead of the front wheels and an LED strip accenting the fenders.

Fisker claims that this new EV will be a “spiritual successor” to the Karma and from what we can see, that could be the case. The front and rear overhangs are a little shorter than that of the original Karma, but this car certainly has an elegant silhouette against that sunset. IT does look like the car will ride rather low to the ground and sport large wheels with thin tires. The rear taillights also look to come in LED form. Fisker claims that more will be announced next week, so stay tuned for updates.

from Top Speed

Faraday Future to Debut Production-Ready Car at CES 2017

Faraday Future has confirmed that its very first production-ready offering will finally drop cover this January at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Confirmation comes via a recent tweet issued by Faraday, in which the up-and-coming automaker gives a short breakdown of the company’s history, finally concluding with the phrase “We unveil the future. #CES2017.”

Included in the tweet is mention of the company’s first design study, the FFZERO1 Concept, and its recent partnership in the Formula E racing series. The tweet arrives on the heels of a comment made by Jia Yueting, CEO at LeEco, at a recent product launch in which the Chinese billionaire mentioned that CES would be a good place for Faraday to reveal its new electric vehicle.

LeEco is a Chinese consumer product firm involved in smartphones, TV’s, bicycles, and Internet video streaming, to name just a few of the company’s numerous interests. Included in the list is financial backing for Faraday Future, an upstart electric vehicle company based out of Gardena, California.

In related news, Faraday is currently looking to build a $1 billion dollar factory in the desert north of Las Vegas, but construction has yet to begin. When completed, the factory is anticipated to house some 4,500 employees.

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Will Fast 8 be Oscar Worthy? Vin Diesel Thinks So

I think we can all agree that the Fast & Furious movie franchise has given us a good amount of thrills in its lifespan. We’ve seen awesome cars, beautiful people, amazing fight scenes, and the whole gang jumping out of a plane in cars, surviving the fall with no scratches to their beautiful faces. But we can also agree that not one of the seven F&F movies have ever been considered Oscar-worthy. That could change with Fast 8 as Vin Diesel has come out and said that the eighth installment of the blockbuster movie franchise may surprise a lot of people, even going so far as to hint of a possible Oscar buzz surrounding it.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Diesel said that he actually thinks that Fast 8 will win an Oscar on the back of what director F. Gary Gray was able to piece together to make the movie. “I think he went into making this movie with a little bit of a chip on his shoulder, going ’Oh, really? Okay,” Diesel was quoted as saying. “Now I’m going to take the biggest saga in the world, and I’m about to throw Oscars at you.”

Diesel is likely referring to the Oscar snub on Gray and his movie, Straight Outta Compton, which missed out on an Oscar despite being one of the most critically acclaimed movies entering the competition. Is Fast 8 going to be Gray’s Oscar redemption? That’s highly unlikely if you base it on the franchise’s history, but stranger things have happened. Remember when Shakespeare in Love beat Saving Private Ryan, arguably the greatest war movie of all time, for Best Picture?

Keep the hope alive, Vin!

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Study Finds That Women are Angrier Behind the Wheel and Empty Roads Make 84 Percent of Drivers Happy

You’re on your way out of town for the holiday weekend, but 100 miles into your trip you’re stuck behind inconsiderate prick who is riding side-by-side with a Semi on a two-lane highway doing 10 mph under the limit. You honk your horn casually in an attempt to motivate them, but your only reply is a middle finger and a quick brake check. Talk about rude! Well, believe it or not, that inconsiderate prick is more likely to be a woman than a man. While it might not make sense, because women are made from sugar and spice and everything nice, a recent U.K. study has shown that women are actually 12-percent angrier than men when they’re behind the wheel. That’s right; a woman is more likely to lose it when driving than a man.

The study was commissioned by Hyundai UK and conducted by Patrick Fagan – a behavioral psychologist at Goldsmiths University London. The main purpose was to “sense test” licensed drivers to see how different things like sound, sight, and smell lead to emotional responses in various driving scenarios. A total of 1,000 licensed drivers were tested, and the results are actually pretty surprising. As already mentioned women are 12-percent angrier when behind the wheel, 14-percent angrier when dealing with a backseat driver (most likely a man,) and 13-percent angrier when forced to deal with another driver who neglects to use their turn signals before changing lanes or turning. That’s just one part of the study, however, and it’s not all bad for women.

Explaining the overall results of the study, Patrick Fagan said, “Psychologically, women score higher than men on emotional and verbal intelligence, and on the personality trait of neuroticism. Evolutionary theory suggests our early female ancestors had to develop an acute sense of danger for anything that threatened them and their young if their cave was undefended while men were out hunting. That ‘early warning system’ instinct is still relevant today, and women drivers tend to be more sensitive to negative stimuli, so get angry and frustrated quicker. “

After that explanation, it does make sense, but anger levels aren’t all that the study has shown us. There are actually two dominate emotions linked to driving. One is, as we’ve already discussed, anger while the other is actually happiness – two ends of the same spectrum. The primary fuel behind happiness behind the wheel was found to be derived from the sense of freedom felt when driving. Next in line that contributes to happiness in 19 percent of drivers is the sense of mobility, and finally, 10 percent of drivers are happy just because of the independence associated with driving yourself around.

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LeSee Pro Concept No-Shows Own Launch

If there ever was an award for the most surreal car launch of 2016, LeEco’s LeSee prototype takes the cake. It was supposed to be a hallmark event for the Chinese tech company as it signaled the start of its foray into autonomous driving, but when it came time for the LeSee to make its grand entrance in its own U.S. unveiling in San Francisco, the actual prototype wasn’t there; it was still stuck in London filming its appearance in Transformers V: The Last Knight.

Apparently, the schedule brouhaha forced LeEco to proceed with the unveiling without the car. To be fair, there was a prototype available, but it didn’t have the autonomous driving capabilities of the other prototype. So Jia sauntered down the runway, telling the audience through a translator that “it shouldn’t be me running out here, we didn’t have any other choice. What we wanted was me in the car, and the autonomous car drives me out."

To be fair, the LeSee prototype actually made its official debut in Beijing back in April 2016. So at least LeEco has that going for it. But it’s still pretty embarrassing when you consider that the company pulled out all the stops for a grand U.S. unveiling, even doing it in the Bay Area, in close proximity to Palo Alto where some of the biggest tech giants, including Apple and Google are located, only to end up with egg on its face because of what boils down to a conflict in schedule.

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Techrules is on a Mission to Keep Performance Cars Relevant

No doubt about it – the world of high-performance automobiles is in a state of flux. At the center of the evolution is the car’s beating heart – its engine. You hear the question all the time: what will power our fun four-wheeled machines when internal combustion falls by the wayside? Everyone is placing their bets, including all the major automakers, which are currently exploring a variety of answers in the hopes of getting the jump on the future. However, Techrules, an automotive research and development firm based in China, says it has the solution – turbine-recharging electric vehicles, or TREV’s for short.

According to a recent report from Car Buzz, Techrules says its unique turbine system is “lighter, more compact and easier to package than a conventional internal combustion engine.” Not only that, but the system can apparently find application “in any kind of vehicle,” including motorcycles.

The system works by using gas-powered turbines to generate electricity. The juice is then routed to a battery pack, which in turn motivates the electric motors that move the wheels. The whole system sounds vaguely similar to a series hybrid vehicle, but with a turbine engine replacing the reciprocating pistons of a traditional ICE.

That means you get lots of the benefits you’d normally associate with hybrid vehicles, including highly efficient gas usage and no recharge times at an outlet. You can still plug-in if you want to make sure your battery is topped off, but as long as you have fuel, you’ve got go.

Make that a lot of go. Techrules claims this set-up allows for blistering acceleration and speed, as evidenced by the AT96 TREV Concept in attendance at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show. Apparently, the turbine-equipped hybrid produces 1,030 horsepower and 6,300 pound-feet of torque, blessing it with a 0-to-62 mph time of 2.5 seconds and a top speed of 217 mph. That’s on top of 31 miles of all-electric range and 50 mpg, by the way.

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BMW M2 by G-Power

The BMW M2 is barely a year old and it’s already positioned itself as one of the most popular cars in the industry. Sure, it’s got it’s got a few drawbacks, but by and large, the M2 represents a home run for BMW. It’s become such a hot item that aftermarket tuners have also taken notice, as shown by the litany of tuning programs that are already available for the sports coupe. Not one to be left behind, G-Power is jumping into the M2 bandwagon with a new program of its own, with the highlight being a power increase to 410 horsepower and 420 pound-feet of torque.

Those are stout improvements, but in true G-Power fashion, they’re not the only upgrades included in the entire tuning kit. There’s also an offer of new wheels and suspension upgrades to round out the whole program. Given the company’s reputation as one of the best BMW tuners in the business, you can excuse the lack of any exterior and interior upgrades to the sports coupe if the result includes performance and handling improvements that M3 owners can enjoy.

It’s tough to say exactly which among these aftermarket companies has the best program for the BMW M2. But the pattern is clear here: the M2 is a car that’s worth our attention and in case you have one, or are about to get one, you can take comfort knowing that there are tuners like G-Power that can address your aftermarket needs should you want to scratch that itch.

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Lamborghini and MIT Partner Up to Develop New, Lighter Materials

Lamborghini hasn’t been shy about reminding everyone that it’s one of the pioneers in using carbon fiber technology in the auto industry. It’s a badge of honor that the Italian automaker proudly wears to this day, but like any forward-thinking company, Lambo isn’t content with simply basking in its achievements. It’s setting its sights on discovering the next breakthrough in the business, and for this task, Lamborghini is collaborating with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, considered as one the best private research universities in the world.

The collaboration between Lambo and MIT largely revolves around creating new materials that can be adopted for use in future vehicles. It’s largely similar to the undertaking the company embarked on when it pioneered carbon fiber technology, except that this time, it’s got some of the brightest young engineers from MIT helping out. Together, engineers from Lambo will work closely with their counterparts from MIT to develop new and lighter materials that will allow the automaker to stay a step ahead in the high-stakes race to innovation that the exotic car market is known for.

No specific details were mentioned on what the partnership will constitute other than what has been mentioned. That said, Lamborghini could be working with MIT to determine how to expand the use of carbon fiber past what it’s already capable of doing by itself. There have been past reports that the the automaker is trying to figure out a method that would allow it to put carbon fiber into the engine, thus making it lighter and stronger than what it is today.

It’s an interesting proposition and having engineers from MIT help out could pave the way for Lamborghini to knock on yet another door that leads to a new innovation that has the potential to shake up the industry. Could this partnership with MIT turn into a redux of the time Lambo discovered forged composite process? Only time will tell, but having MIT in the fold is definitely going to help the Raging Bull’s chances.

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Lamborghini Trademarks "Huracan Performante"

A recently applied trademark suggests that Lamborghini is working on a fourth iteration for the entry-level Huracan supercar. According to Auto Guide, the Italian firm has applied to trademark the Huracan Performante name. Given that the Performance badge has been previously used on a convertible version of the Gallardo Superleggera, Lambo may be planning a similar version of the Huracan.

Already available in coupe and spyder versions, the Huracan has yet to receive the higher performance Superleggera treatment, but the vehicle has been spotted testing as early as 2015. The Superleggera is expected to break cover in late 2016 or early 2017 with an aggressive body kit and a beefed-up V-10 engine rated at more than 630 horsepower (versus the standard 602 horses). The Performante model should arrive with identical specs, but slightly different aerodynamic upgrades.

There’s no word as to when the fourth version of the Huracan might hit showrooms, but given that we have yet to see any test cars as of October 2016, the high-performance roadster is at least 12 months away.

It’s predecessor, the Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performance was announced in late 2010 and deliveries began in April 2011. Production of the Gallardo ended in November 2013, with the final example being a Spyder Performante.

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Did Hurricane Matthew Eat Your Car? If So, Nissan Will Give You Employee Pricing on a New Ride

Hurricane Matthew devastated Florida’s eastern coastline during the first week in October before continuing north as it brought damage to Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia before sweeping out to sea. Cities ranging from Miami to Norfolk felt the winds from the late-season storm. Millions were without power, thousands lost homes, and many more lost vehicles. That’s why Nissan is offering to help hurricane victims with heavy discounts on new Nissan vehicles.

Nissan is giving customers and businesses in the affected states access to employee pricing discounts so long as they can show proof of residency and proof their vehicle was damaged or destroyed during the storm. The program has no limits within households, meaning if a family had three vehicles affected by the storm, they could get employee pricing on three new Nissan vehicles.

Those who choose to finance through Nissan Motor Acceptance Corporation can qualify for a deferred payment plan that allows a three-month grace period before payments begin. Existing customers who reside in FEMA disaster areas can alloy for payment extensions, both for lease and retail vehicles.

The program is open though October 31, 2016 and includes most Nissan North American’s products.

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